Sunday, December 18, 2005
Tom Benson-Saints!
Tom Benson will go down in the history of the National Football league as one of the worst owners in the history of the league, or better yet, he'll most probably go down as the worst owner in league history! Benson is a bad owner, and bad for the league, and he doesn't even realize it! The state of Louisiana were awarded a Saints franchise in 1966, and now it looks like Tom Benson, is wanting to take them to San Antonio. Well, Tom give us our money back, and at least have some kind of dignity and leave the Saints name with the great state of Louisiana. Benson is getting up in age, and he doesn't realize that he can't take the team with him! Benson is greedy, and needs to do the right thing, and sell the team, and leave them in Louisiana. I only hope that our politicians have enough savvy to sue Benson to at least get some of our money back! Benson, don't let the screen door hit you, when your ass is leaving Louisiana!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Our State of Louisiana
Maybe Moon Griffon can help us?
Our state, my state, Louisiana is in dire straits, and needs leadership! Is there anyway that we can free Governor Edwin Edwards from prison in Oakdale Louisiana? I think what made Tom Benson mad, the owner of the Saints is, and was the incompetence of our current Governor Kathleen Blanco, by her trying to strong-arm him into a different deal with the state, and that is why I think he wants to move the team? Blanco needs to be recalled as soon as possible, to save Louisiana, we need to have a true leader that can get us out of all this mess that we are in!
Our state, my state, Louisiana is in dire straits, and needs leadership! Is there anyway that we can free Governor Edwin Edwards from prison in Oakdale Louisiana? I think what made Tom Benson mad, the owner of the Saints is, and was the incompetence of our current Governor Kathleen Blanco, by her trying to strong-arm him into a different deal with the state, and that is why I think he wants to move the team? Blanco needs to be recalled as soon as possible, to save Louisiana, we need to have a true leader that can get us out of all this mess that we are in!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Henderson: Bleak season on and off the field
Jim Henderson, is a "stand-up" guy!
Written at 6:38 PM CDT on Monday, October 24, 2005
Jim Henderson / WWL-TV Sports Director
If this were last year or the year before that or the year before that and the Saints were coming off a loss as disheartening as Sunday's to fall to 2-5, today's discussion would focus on the merits of firing the coaching staff. Those were the good old days by comparison.These days are much worse, focusing as they do not on the direction of the season but the direction of the entire franchise.There was no shortage of possible scenarios in the Saints locker room Sunday, only a shortage of smiles. I can't recall seeing any among the grim-faced coaches and staff. "We're coming back to New Orleans. We're staying in San Antonio. We'll be playing in Baton Rouge. We'll be playing next season in San Antonio and then relocating to Los Angeles."I heard all of those but none offered with assurance.And that, coupled with the Saints recent play, has made for an absolutely dreadful situation. Do I sell my house back in New Orleans? Do I keep it and miss out on a seller's market only to find out we'll never be back? Do I buy in San Antonio with no assurance we're staying or staying for long? Maybe I'll just get out of football and get a job back home in New Orleans. But what would that job be? What jobs are there? What jobs will there be? Wouldn't anything be better than this? Do I bring my family to San antonio or go back to them in New Orleans? What about the kids? Where will they go to school? If it seems likely that those life-altering decisions left in limbo are making it difficult to give your job your complete attention, of course they are.This unsettled environment contributes to bad football which contributes to the unsettled environment. The organization from top to bottom is worn out, road weary, and depressed. That makes winning harder. And when winning eludes you for another Sunday, it magnifies the cares and concerns for another long week.Meanwhile the fans you had to leave behind become less concerned and care less about your return, asking themselves how much I should invest psychologically and monetarily in this. And so the cycle revolves again with every morose Monday. And the good people who are being consumed by it begin to care less what the direction of this franchise is and more that they know that at least there is a direction.In the meantime they are powerless to change the direction of their lives which seem to have no direction at all.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Yea, we have a Governor that hasn't a clue as to what is taking place these days, and New Orleans has a mayor that has so much faith in New Orleans that he purchased a house in Dallas Texas! Blanco is a one termer, and so is Nagin! So, we're losing the Saints! What a "scumbag" that Benson is! What a legacy he leaves behind! I guess Benson, hasn't realized that he has a soul!
Compiled by Kevin Arnovitz.
Picking at the Carcass: As an Angeleno and likely season-ticket buyer for a hypothetical NFL franchise in Los Angeles, I want no part of this pillaging:
Saints owner Tom Benson declared this week that nothing will be decided on the franchise's future until after the season. But ESPN's Chris Mortensen reports that, based on information from key league sources, the team has probably played its last game in New Orleans.
According to Mortensen, San Antonio is a likely home for 2006 and Los Angeles is the preferred destination beyond that.
Benson makes Bob Irsay look like Raoul Wallenberg. Surely L.A. can steal a franchise the old-fashioned way—through municipal bribery and extortion ... KA 12:10 p.m.
Saints owner Tom Benson declared this week that nothing will be decided on the franchise's future until after the season. But ESPN's Chris Mortensen reports that, based on information from key league sources, the team has probably played its last game in New Orleans.
According to Mortensen, San Antonio is a likely home for 2006 and Los Angeles is the preferred destination beyond that.
Benson makes Bob Irsay look like Raoul Wallenberg. Surely L.A. can steal a franchise the old-fashioned way—through municipal bribery and extortion ... KA 12:10 p.m.
Benson Boogey or Texas two-step?
Here is an editoral written about Tom "the-devil" Benson, the owner of the Saints!
Billy Gomila
Sports Editor(The Bogalusa Daily News)
It's a punch to the stomach.
More so than any of the numerous losses. More than any of foolish missteps.
In the wake of a city's destruction, New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson appears set on taking his show on the road permanently - to San Antonio.
Of course, San Antonio has long been Benson's threat. His supposed ace in the hole to make sure the city and state would be ready to step up financially to make sure the team stays around.
But now, with New Orleans just coming back from the brink of some twisted John Carpenter movie and the Superdome bearing the scars of whatever went on during those hellish days, Benson is acting about as loyal as Benedict Arnold and Caesar's Brutus combined.
It's a word that Tom Benson must have skipped over during his education and that's the word that best describes a Saints fan. They've ridden a rollercoaster with this team that's had far more valleys than peaks. They've taken the heart-wrenching futility for over 30 years and always come back for more. They've shrugged off the Russell Erxlebens, the Shawn Knights and TWO Billy Joes and have always come back for more, selling out 36-consecutive games this century while watching a .500 football team hover on the brink of mediocrity.
People in the national media talk about the suffering of Cleveland Browns or Philadelphia Eagles fans, but they know nothing of the pain of a Saints fan. It's pain that deserves a hug. What the fans are getting is a stab in the back.
There are a lot of unknowns about this state's immediate economic future. The truth is it may be decades before Louisiana would be able to support the Saints again. But to leave now without giving New Orleans even a chance to keep its team, is unforgivable.
Its easy to use hyperbole in sports, and its easy to blow perceived slights out of proportion. That being said, Mr. Benson had best be prepared for his karmic comeuppance. There have been many men in the history of big business that pushed their greed to the extent of becoming symbols of it. Tom Benson may have just joined the club.
Darkness has fallen over the Saints!
It's a dark day for the Saints!
It looks as though the Saints are leaving Louisiana. The NFL is a strong, and tough orginization, that can basically do anything it wants to do! The Saints have been with us since 1967, and it's a damn shame that Benson has taken advantage of the fine folks in Louisiana for so long. I guess he want have us to kick around anymore? I called and talked with the NFL this morning, and was told that they still might play Superbowls here, thanks for nothing, NFL! Benson is the devil!
It looks as though the Saints are leaving Louisiana. The NFL is a strong, and tough orginization, that can basically do anything it wants to do! The Saints have been with us since 1967, and it's a damn shame that Benson has taken advantage of the fine folks in Louisiana for so long. I guess he want have us to kick around anymore? I called and talked with the NFL this morning, and was told that they still might play Superbowls here, thanks for nothing, NFL! Benson is the devil!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Is Benson going to hell?
Blanco, our Governor of the great state of Louisiana is going to talk to Tom Benson, the owner of the New Orleans Saints, about moving the team back to Louisiana permanently, now how in the hell is she going to do that? Benson, is going to do what he wants to do! What do you expect from a former "used-car-salesman". Benson may have all that money, but if he does move the team, it will show that he clearly has no moral compass, and that he will most probably go to hell! Louisiana is a great state, from Shreveport on down to New Orleans, we have the finest women,and most probably the finest women in the world, but we have the most under-handed politicans on the planet!
Blanco, our Governor of the great state of Louisiana is going to talk to Tom Benson, the owner of the New Orleans Saints, about moving the team back to Louisiana permanently, now how in the hell is she going to do that? Benson, is going to do what he wants to do! What do you expect from a former "used-car-salesman". Benson may have all that money, but if he does move the team, it will show that he clearly has no moral compass, and that he will most probably go to hell! Louisiana is a great state, from Shreveport on down to New Orleans, we have the finest women,and most probably the finest women in the world, but we have the most under-handed politicans on the planet!
Last night LSU played Auburn at home in "Tiger-Stadium", and what a diaster that it alsmost was! I mean, what is wrong wrong LSU these days? LSU has a really good defense, but as of late, the offense just sucks! Coach Les Miles, I don't think will a long term coach at LSU, he is using the talent that Nick Saban hand-picked, and after this season, the talent level is most certainly to fall off! Last night in overtime, LSU, 20, and Auburn 17.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Here in Shreveport Louisiana
I live in good ole Shreveport Louisiana, which is 167 miles from Dallas Texas, and folks think that most of Louisiana is in the swamps, and while that is true of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, it's not true up here in Northern Louisiana. Shreveport is a strange place, in some parts, you feel like your in Texas, and in other parts, you feel like you are in South Louisiana. I feel like I live in Mayberry, North Carolina, that is the way most people that live here, act like. I have a sister that is moving to Katy Texas, and I think it's great! My brother Victor, lives in Uxbridge Massachusetts, and he says he likes it, but I don't believe it, and then my other brother Wayne, lives here in Shreveport with me, and his hobby is chasing "crack-whores", but he likes it! I raise budgerigars, and "homing-pigeons", and it's a blast raising birds, I guess I would consider myself a "bird-freak"! I ask myself, "why in the hell, do I live in Shreveport Louisiana, when in fact, I have been offered "major-market" radio jobs in other large cities, but I'll most probably die here in good ole Shreveport! In Shreveport, we have fine women, casinos, and a lot of hard-working people, that are just trying to get by! We have James Burton here, who played for Elvis, we have Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and Terry Bradshaw, and Tim Brando. America, come and visit Shreveport, we'll get you drunk, or maybe you'll find a "crack-whore"!
New Orleans~Still need your help!
Please do not forget about the folks of New Orleans, Misssissippi, and Alabama! Those folks lost a lot down there in the gulf, and it will take years to recover! In New Orleans, we have, or should say, we had a couple of professional sports teams, like the New Orleans Hornets, and the other franchise, you may have heard of the "New Orleans Saints", but the guy, that owns the Saints is a devil, with no moral values! When Benson purchased, the team, he said that he would keep them in New Orleans, and now the no good-S.O.B is trying to move the team to San Antonio! Benson is a liar, so are the people of San Antonio! They are just as bad as he his! Benson is going to try and beat the state of Louisiana out of 81 million dollars. He says there is no plans to move the team to San Antonio, but he is already in the middle of trying to cancel his lease at the Saints practice facility in Metarie Louisiana. What a bastard Benson is, to turn his back on the people of Louisiana, that has supported that team since, 1967! Benso, you devil, you should be ashamed of yourself! Let, us folks in Louisiana, purchase the team, leave them here, in our state, and then you and your Niece, Rita, can haul your asses out of here!
Tim Brando, the sports guy!
It's in my honest opinion that Tim Brando, is by far, one of the best broadcasters of sports today. I put him up there with Joe Buck, he is really, really good, and he makes a lot of sense! If you have never heard this guy, you can catch him during the week at on, and on the CBS network on the weekends, where he is the host of the college game-day show. Check him out, you'll love Timmy "B"! Tim is not related to the late Marlon Brando, but I'm sure that they could both say, "STELLA"!
Tom Cruise~Katie Holmes are ignorant asses!
We all know by now, that a twenty-six year old kid, is having sex with Tom Cruise, but who the hell cares! Right now people you know, people on your street, in other countries, and other cities are having sex. Katie Holmes will not always be with Tom Cruise, she'll wind up leaving his ignorant ass one day, it's just a matter of time. Katie says, and I quote, ""It's a dream come true," the actress said on the syndicated entertainment news show "Access Hollywood" Thursday. "I feel great, (being pregnant) is so beautiful. I've never been so happy. ... I'm beaming." She also went on to say, "As for wedding plans, Holmes said, "We don't have a date just yet. There is so much excitement going on." To me, that is how some whore would talk! Damn, Tom, you get someone, pregnant, you marry them, you ignorant ass! I feel sorry for Nicole Kidman, Tom didn't want to have kids with her! The hell with Tom and Katie!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Tom Benson~George Benson, which one is a brother?
Tom Benson! The devil!
Tom Benson of the New Orleans Saints, or I should say "team owner", should be put in the class of the "carpet-baggers", that drifted through the south after the "Civil-War" taking advantage of what and who they could. I don't know what to think of Mr.Benson, he is saying things that make no sense. He was saying today, that he has made no plans to move the team to San Antonio, but he's trying to get out of his lease at the Saints practice facility, as well an enforcing a clause in his Superdome contract before November 29th that would allow him to get out of paying the state of Louisiana 81 million dollars if he were to leave before the 2006 season. Reports out of New Orleans, is that the practice facility is usable and the team, could be practicing there now, but like vintage Benson, he is out and out lieing about moving the team, and the practice facility. Mr. Benson, owns the team, he can, of course, do what he wants, but he is a "sinful-human-being", for what he is doing to the folks of Louisiana, that has lined his pockets ever since he acquired the team. Benson, if he does take the team to San Antonio, he needs to at least have the diginity of leaving the Saints name behind in Louisiana. We may never recieve another team in Louisiana, but at least we'll have our dignity with our history of our Saints left in Louisiana, where it belongs!
Friday, October 07, 2005
I'm sorry but these politicians are driving me crazy! Mayor Bloomberg is running for another term, and he has lost his mind! I get so tired of those damn commercials about how well he's done everything for New York! Bloomberg has so much damn money! Have you ever heard of the Bloomberg Network? It's my honest personal opinion that Bloomberg should retire and do something else! Go back to working at your network!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Tom Cruise!
How can you be happy for Tom "dumb-ass" Cruise? I'm not, nor should you be! He goes out and has sex with a twenty-four year old kid, and we all know that the relationship will not last, due to his track record. His two marriages before never worked out, and I doubt he'll ever marry Katie Holmes! If I were Katie Homes Mom and Dad, I would kick Tom Cruise's ass all the way to hell! I say, boycott, Tom Cruise movies, he has become a disgusting human being! Nicole Kidman, thank God, that you are no longer with that garbage! P.S. KATIE IS KNOCKED-UP!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Demi & Ashton are married!
INXS-"The over-the-hill-rocker-gang"!
Well INXS has chosen a new lead singer to replace their lead singer Michael Hutchence, who was found dead in a Sydney Australia hotel room back in 1997. I hate to tell you this guys, but in all honesty with Michale's death, you are really no longer the band, "INXS", and now you pick a lead singer, J.D. Fortune from Canada, a guy that hid his vocal range by constantly changing the arrangements on songs! Now, I see where the first single will be "Pretty-Vegas", supposedly written by J.D. Fortune,which is now supposedly co-written by another member of the band? J.D., if you let INXS get credit for half of your song, then you're a complete "dumb-ass"! INXS, you guys had your day, great records, etc, etc, but you are no longer the band "INXS", just a bunch of "over-the-hill rockers"!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
INXS, made a mistake!
INXS made a really BIG mistake last night, in picking J.D. Fortune. Here is why I write this. For one reason, J.D. did a really good job of covering up his vocal range, by always changing the arrangements to almost all the songs he sang, and the reason being, he was unable to hit certain notes. Mig was perfect for that "Aussie" band, and it surprised me, that the band said that he wasn't right for their band! Lets face it, INXS, is nothing more, than a bunch of "over-the-hill-rockers"! Mig is better off, and I honestly think that INXS did him a favor, because he'll be able to go out on his own, and will most probably do better on his own. After INXS kicked Mig out last night, I turned the channel, and tuned into something else! The hell with INXS!I worked in radio for twenty-seven years, and I have always felt that I have good ear for talent, and I honestly feel that J.D. is average at best!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Anorexic movie stars!
Just think America, we love our anorexic movie stars. The women that are in movies are so skinny, that they are getting harder and harder to watch. Anorexic movie stars such as Renee Zellweger, Laura Flynn Boyle, Terri Hatcher, and the young ones are even going anorexic, like Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and Bridget Moynihan to name a few! It's out of control, ladies gain some weight, or you'll be living a short life on this old earth of ours!
A true story!
The ultimate response to a Dear John letter. You gotta love a man like
this, humor in the face of defeat.
A Marine was deployed to Afghanistan. While he was there he received
a letter from his girlfriend. In the letter she explained that she had
slept with two guys while he had been gone and she wanted to break up
him. AND, she wanted pictures of herself back.
So the Marine did what any squared-away Marine would do. He went
around to his buddies and collected all the unwanted photos of women he
could find. He then mailed about 25 pictures of women (with clothes and
without) to his girlfriend with the following note: "I don't remember
which one you are. Please remove your picture and send the rest back."
this, humor in the face of defeat.
A Marine was deployed to Afghanistan. While he was there he received
a letter from his girlfriend. In the letter she explained that she had
slept with two guys while he had been gone and she wanted to break up
him. AND, she wanted pictures of herself back.
So the Marine did what any squared-away Marine would do. He went
around to his buddies and collected all the unwanted photos of women he
could find. He then mailed about 25 pictures of women (with clothes and
without) to his girlfriend with the following note: "I don't remember
which one you are. Please remove your picture and send the rest back."
Renee Zellweger~Kenny Chesney
I knew that Renee and Kenny's marriage was doomed from the start, she's into herself, and will never gain weight! Renee looks like a little boy, and she is very anorexic! The problem with Kenny and Renee's marriage is that he had the guts to tell Renee to gain some weight! The fact of the matter is that she is so scared to gain a little weight, and if she were to gain weight, she might not receive any more movie roles. Poor Renee, and Kenny, you should be down on your knees thanking God, that she left you, find a woman with some meat, and a one with a body! Don't be married to a little boy!
Do not purchase DISH!
My recommendation to you, is not to purchase Dish Network. If you must leave cable, I highly recommend that you choose Direct TV. Direct TV offers a little bit better service, but to be honest, they both suck! But, if you must have a satellite dish, go with Direct TV, they are the lesser of the two evils! Dish Network is the worst satellite service that I have ever used! They hire folks that cannot even speak the English language!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Geraldo Rivera is a "no-good-low-down-Yankee-reporter" that hasn't a clue on how it is in the south! His coverage of New Orleans was disgraceful! He should get another job, maybe in the "porn-business", we all know he marries the "young-chicks"! If Geraldo never comes back to New Orleans, that would be just fine with me! What a "dweeb" he is! The "big-nose" of Geraldo! He is a disgrace to the media!
The New Orleans Saints are Louisiana, and therefore they should stay in Louisiana. Commissioner Tagliabue is wanting to place a team in Los Angeles, so badly, that he is willing to sell his soul to the devil, and move any existing team to Los Angeles, for the purpose of generating more revenue, and Tagliabue could care less about the fans that have stood by the Saints since 1967! I don't believe a team can make it in Los Angeles, if they are transplanted from another city, especially New Orleans! Look at the suffering that the Saints fans have gone through. America will frown on the NFL if they were to move the Saints! That would be stupid! What Taglibue needs to do, is to form a new team in Los Angeles, so that the fans will embrace them as a Los Angeles team, and not a transplanted team! Look at the Raiders, they failed in Los Angeles, as well as the Rams, that had to move to St. Louis. I really don't believe that any team will ever make it in Los Angeles! Tagliabue, eventually, the bottom fall out, and it will! The NFL needs to get it's act together, and work at keeping teams in their NFL cities, and not always try to move them! Benson sell the team, to Louisiana, or sell the team to a Louisiana business owner, that will keep them here in our state where they belong!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Kaare Johnson~A hard working "son-of-a-gun"!
I have to hand it to Kaare Johnson, and the entire staff of WWL radio and television. They have worked tirelessly to report to the citizens of New Orleans, and the state of Louisiana. I worked in radio for twenty-seven years, and the men and women of WWL are the best! God bless them all!
Blanco, should be called "Blanko" Does she even have a brain in her head?
The Governor of the state of Louisiana, should in no way be re-elected, and with most of her constituents now displaced in other parts of the country, there is a good chance, that she, along with Senator Mary Landrieu will not be re-elected. What kind of a person is Landrieu that would come out and say that she would like to punch President Bush in the face? Blanco has not the leadership to get this state through hard times, she would be better of being a school teacher. Don't get me wrong, no one is perfect, but let's be real here, Blanco and Nagin botched this, not the President. Louisiana, pay close attention to the way that Blanco handled this crisis, and she in no way should be re-elected. What an embarrassment, and a disaster for our great state!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Kanyne West!
I know now why intelligent people like me don't listen or buy crap from a guy like Kanye West! Last night that guy made a complete ass out of himself! The network dropped the ball, by not being able to delay his stupid, stupid remarks! President Bush is a decent fellow, and I don't think he holds any malice toward blacks, do you? Kanye West is a moron, and he showed it last night, when he should have been concentrating on raising money for the victims of 'Hurricane Katrina"!
Tom Benson~Saints!
I knew that this would possibly happen, Tom Benson, the "spineless-human-being", that he is, is wanting to possibly permanently move the team to San Antonio Texas! What a disgraceful human being to even open up his mouth, and say things like this, when the state that has been so good to him, is on the brink! Shame on you Benson, move the team to different cities in Louisiana, and that would be good "PR" for you and your team until you can get back to New Orleans! If Benson, does decide to permanently move the Saints, Blanco and the state should sue him, and make sure the Saints name stays in Louisiana, and Benson take the Voodoo with you as well! If Benson does this, it will tarnish his name forever! What a weasel!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
New Orleans
Sure, it'sa tragedy when a hurricane hits a major city, like New Orleans, and almost destroys the entire city, but who's fault is it that we've had this disaster? I Don't think you blame President Bush? ,I don't think you blame the Mayor Of New Orleans,or even the Governor of Louisiana. I think if you have to blame anything or anyone, you must blame "mother-nature", or God? I'm a Louisiana native, and I love New Orleans, and wanted to move there, before my daughter tragically passed away a year and a half ago. Parts of City of New Orleans is under sea level, so you're going to have problems, just like you're having now when a hurricane with the magnitude of Katrina hits New Orleans. I watch all the media outlets to see what is taking place, and I see reporters from FOX News, like Geraldo Rivera, Shepherd Smith, making total asses out of themselves with their reporting. I have always liked FOX News, but this time around, the coverage has been much better on CNN. Rita Crosby, of MSNBC is the worst, a "blathering-fat-ass-idiot"! I can write these remarks, because I was part of the media for twenty-seven years, and I know how the media "over-does" everything! Pray for the poor people of New Orleans that are suffering, pray that they find relief, in their misery, but don't condemn those that are working so hard to help them! I applaud President Bush, Mayor Nagin of New Orleans, Governor Blanco, for doing the best that they can! I hear the comparisons to "911", but we are dealing with mother-nature in New Orleans, and not a bunch of "camel-jockeys"! New Orleans is in the state I live, and it will recover, and I hope that the Federal Government will realize that the coast of Louisiana needs to be fixed, and it needs to be started now! Hang in there, if you are from the New Orleans area, you'll recover! Be sure to donate to the American Red Cross!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Huffington-Puffington~What a freaking joke!
My suggestion to My suggestion to Arianna Huffington, is to hire a voice coach, an interpreter, so that Americans can understand what she is saying! She spews anger, and makes no sense at all,and these talk shows have her on, just to make fun of her., that is my way of thinking about it. Huffington's husband went gay, and I personally think it was because during sex, she wouldn't shut-up! Huffington has a blog, and she has many people of influence writing about how bad the world is, how bad President Bush is, etc, etc, etc.! I think that until Huffington-Puffington can learn how to communicate in English, that maybe she should go back to her native homeland of Greece, and stay there until her speaking and her attitude gets to be a little better!, is to hire a voice coach, an interpreter, so that Americans can understand what she is saying! She spews anger, and makes no sense at all,and these talk shows have her on, just to make fun of her, that is my way of thinking about it. Huffington's husband went gay, and I personally think it was because during sex, she wouldn't shut-up! Huffington has a blog, and she has many people of influence writing about how bad the world is, how bad President Bush is, etc, etc, etc.! I think that until Huffington-Puffington can learn how to communicate in English, that maybe she should go back to her native homeland of Greece, and stay there until her speaking and her attitude gets to be a little better!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Older woman, the younger man?
This morning on the CBS Morning Show, Renee Syler did a piece on how older women, are chasing younger men! Oh, my GOD, what is going to happen to the world? Is it going to come to an end? I think it's great if some older woman, can wrap up a younger man. It's a physiological thing, and it's most probably just about the sex!
Pat Robertson
I think Pat Robertson got it all wrong, and I think what he was trying to say, and what he should have said was this,(to keep it biblical) "We should go in
with the jawbone of an ass and whip Hugo Chavez to death." Now, doesn't that sound better?
with the jawbone of an ass and whip Hugo Chavez to death." Now, doesn't that sound better?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
So, Madonna, fell off a horse, poor horse! I tell ya', Madonna, (whose real name is not Madonna) is a hack, a has been, a career is over "material-girl"! I have never purchased any of that broad's records and never will! Madonna is now into writing children's books, and I guess after parents don't go out in flocks to buy these books, she'll start writing books about her sexual fantasies? Who know, who cares? I place the Madonner in the category with Demi Moore, who digs the younger man. I bet one day, that Guy Richie will leave Madonna for another young "hot" babe, and leave Madonna writing books about how young guys will break your heart!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Paris Hilton is a "Nasty-Asty"!
Paris Hilton is the kind of gal that you don't really want to take to meet mom and dad(especially dad). Paris is dating some cat named "Paris", and he an aire to a shipping fortune, and they are supposedly in "love"? Now, Paris is a young gal, that has been in home-made "porno-flick", was also in the horror movie, "House of wax", but you know what, I just don't see any beauty in this babe! I mean, what is the big deal about Paris Hilton? She is a young broad, with just too much time on her hands! There is a really good chance that the other Paris will get smart and marry some Greek babe, since he is Greek, or maybe he's a "geek"? Yea, maybe, he's a "pencil neck-geek", and not a Greek? But, think about it, anyone in their right-mind, would not marry the "nasty-asty", Paris Hilton. I'm an old man, and I think I would turn her down! Yikes!
Shane & Napoleon Dynamite, two of my favorite movies!
I love the movie, "Shane", and I really love the movie, "Napoleon Dynamite"! It has to be one of the best movies that I have seen in years. The writers, and the director did a great job on portraying how it must be to live in a small town, this time in Idaho. The actors stayed in character, and it even has Hillary Duff's sister in this movie, playing the role of Summer Wheatly. I highly recommend this movie, it is one that you can watch over and over, again, and again, and find something new each time you watch it! The lead actor Jon Heder was only paid a 1000 bucks for the lead role, and the movie has made close to 50 million. I say, "check-it-out"!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
It's pretty damn sad, when ever an older woman has to claim that a much younger man his her so-called "soulmate"? Demi has lost her mind, and so has that non-talent Ashton Kutcher! That guy is a pretty bad actor, and that is verified by his movies, that don't seem to do that well. One day, Ashton will leave Demi for some young babe, and Demi will jump in the ocean and follow the whales to oblivion. Poor, poor children of these "wacko stars", who haven't a clue, on how it is, in the real world!Talk about meeting your soul mate," the 42-year-old actress tells Harper's Bazaar in its September issue. "I truly feel I have been given that gift. And believe me, I wasn't some lightweight package. I'm, like, the package that didn't just come with luggage -- I had trunks"! No, Demi has so much baggage, that is would take Allied Van Lines to move it all. The so-called washed-up actress also said the two would like to 'expand' their family. She met Kutcher two years ago. They now live together, and they like to snuggle "nekked"! Please spare us the details Ms. Moore! Enough of this nonsense, grow up. I guess you still like changing diapers, and I'm not talking about newborns.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Rushbo! Oh no!
Rush Limbaugh is wanting to settle the dispute between Donavon McNabb and Terrell Owens. Say it isn't so Rush! Are you losing it? For the life of me, I just don't understand how Rush can slam McNabb, and then turn around and want to assist in a dispute. Rush, once made the remark, that McNabb was overrated, because the media wanted to see a black quarter-back succeed, and know he wants them to settle the dispute on his radio show! "I am here to offer and to assist. I can," Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show Friday, according to a transcript on his Web site. "I could bring these two guys together. I've been there, folks, and I could do this, and I'm serious in my desire to do it."Limbaugh resigned from ESPN almost two years ago after pissing off America by making a off-color remarks on a pregame show that he didn't think McNabb was as good as perceived from the start. Rush also said,"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well," Limbaugh said on "Sunday NFL Countdown."Now Limbaugh wants to wants to be the good guy with the white hat, and make things lovely between the two. Other quotes of Limbaugh,"This rift cannot be allowed to continue, ladies and gentlemen. It just can't, and I would like to offer this program as a means of getting these two Americans and star players back together," Limbaugh said. "They may not want to talk to each other face-to-face, but perhaps they would join me on this program and speak to each other telephonically via this program and settle this." Rush get a grip!
My daughter-dad-mom-my birds.
Since the death of my daughter almost a year and a half ago, it just seems to me like my life has come to a stand-still. I stay depressed, I'm on the verge of losing everything, because of my depression, and not being able to work! I have only begun to start so-called working again, but being in business for yourself can be a struggle, and trying to return to the broadcast business has been a chore. Most stations that receive a sample of my work, like my presentation, but I'm never offered a job. Here of late, I have developed a nagging cough. I raise birds, pigeons, parakeets, and don't know if the dander, that they shake out of their feathers is giving me this cough, but if the problem persists, I'll have to go to a doctor, I believe? It's hard to do anything, when your not able to breathe. My life is certainly a "quirky" one, and it always has been, and just maybe one day things might get better? I think of my dad, who passed away, more than ten years ago. My dad died of cancer, and my mother died of cancer almost seven years ago, and then the loss of my daughter, a year and a half ago is just hard to take. I think, I keep the birds around, not only for the enjoyment, but for something to keep my brain occupied. This story continues, one day, but not today.
Paula Dean-Cooking Network
I just love watching Paula Dean on the "Food-Network". She typifies what southern cooking is all about, and it's just a lot of fun to watch her. I lead a pretty boring life, so what is better than watching Paula Dean, and the "Food-Network"? I believe, Ms. Dean will be in a movie soon?
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Terrel Owens stinks!
Terrell Owens is a guy with no brain in his head, but just barely a pulse in his body, and that's about it! At the moment, Owens averages about a thousand bucks a day, and he still wants more. Owens is nothing more than a greedy bastard, and he needs to be let go by the Philadelphia Eagles, he is nothing more than a distraction, and will do nothing for that team! Owens signed a contract, and a contract is suppose to mean something. I was watching Owens tonight, being interviewed on ESPN, and sitting beside him was his greedy agent bastard, coming across as Owens being a nice guy! Screw Owens, he signed a contract, and that should mean something. You can't sign a contact, and then expect the Eagles to change it! On another note, Owens is trying to get more money because of his half-ass performance in last years Superbowl, but remember, he was hurt most of the season, and the team made it without him, just fine! Owens, take you agent, and go peddle some fish with some other organization. You both stink! I think the reason Owens is so screwed-up, is due to the fact that his new agent wants more money? Let's face it, big over-blown salaries have destroyed the National Football league, and eventually the bottom will fall out!
Our greedy politicans have ruined this country.
Thanks to our great politicians, who would rather sell us out to get votes rather than to keep our country safe. See how we are being invaded by South America, especially Mexico. The hell with the Alamo, and the brave men and women that sacrificed their blood, to make this country what it is, only to have it over-taken by illegals! See story below!
Census: Texas newest state where minorities are the majority
EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- Texas has become the fourth state where minorities account for most of the population, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, a trend driven by a surging number of Latinos moving to the state.
According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities. In the 2000 Census, minorities made up about 47 percent of the population in the second-largest state.
Texas joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii as states with majority-minority populations -- with Latinos the largest group in every one of those states except for Hawaii, where it is Asian-Americans.
Five other states -- Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona -- aren't far behind, with about 40 percent minorities.
Public policy analysts said these states and the country as a whole need to bring minority education and professional achievement to the levels of whites. Otherwise, these areas risk becoming poorer and less competitive.
William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., said lawmakers need to start with immigration reform, while striving to bring minorities' education and salary levels in line with Anglos.
"Immigration is good for the United States ... it's important for us to keep our doors open, but we need to keep an eye on the people coming in," Frey said. "While initially it will be a state problem, eventually it will be a national issue, and education is the best way to deal with it."
Complications from the cultural shift aren't likely to be exclusive to states that already have majority-minority populations, Frey said.
Nevada, for instance, has seen a massive influx of minorities in the last 15 years, reducing the percentage of Anglos since the 1990s from nearly 80 percent to about 60 percent. Such a rapid shift is likely to cause growing pains that include trying to balance the needs of a bigger and younger minority community with an aging Anglo community, Frey said.
"That's the kind of state that is going to have to deal with quick transition," Frey said.
Though some areas may never see this shift, the country as a whole is expected to continue the trend first noticed more than a decade ago.
The nation should be more than half minorities by 2050, said Steve Murdock, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
"If you look in the 1990s, in every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo Latino populations grew faster than Anglo populations," Murdock said. "It's a very pervasive pattern."
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Census: Texas newest state where minorities are the majority
EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- Texas has become the fourth state where minorities account for most of the population, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, a trend driven by a surging number of Latinos moving to the state.
According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities. In the 2000 Census, minorities made up about 47 percent of the population in the second-largest state.
Texas joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii as states with majority-minority populations -- with Latinos the largest group in every one of those states except for Hawaii, where it is Asian-Americans.
Five other states -- Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona -- aren't far behind, with about 40 percent minorities.
Public policy analysts said these states and the country as a whole need to bring minority education and professional achievement to the levels of whites. Otherwise, these areas risk becoming poorer and less competitive.
William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., said lawmakers need to start with immigration reform, while striving to bring minorities' education and salary levels in line with Anglos.
"Immigration is good for the United States ... it's important for us to keep our doors open, but we need to keep an eye on the people coming in," Frey said. "While initially it will be a state problem, eventually it will be a national issue, and education is the best way to deal with it."
Complications from the cultural shift aren't likely to be exclusive to states that already have majority-minority populations, Frey said.
Nevada, for instance, has seen a massive influx of minorities in the last 15 years, reducing the percentage of Anglos since the 1990s from nearly 80 percent to about 60 percent. Such a rapid shift is likely to cause growing pains that include trying to balance the needs of a bigger and younger minority community with an aging Anglo community, Frey said.
"That's the kind of state that is going to have to deal with quick transition," Frey said.
Though some areas may never see this shift, the country as a whole is expected to continue the trend first noticed more than a decade ago.
The nation should be more than half minorities by 2050, said Steve Murdock, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
"If you look in the 1990s, in every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo Latino populations grew faster than Anglo populations," Murdock said. "It's a very pervasive pattern."
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
New Orleans Saints
I'm a big Saints fan, been watching the team since 1967, and the Saints are good for the state. Read the story below about the Saints wanting to resume talks with the state is most probably a ploy by Benson to sell more season tickets. Us, in Louisiana, will just have to wait and see what takes places, between out not so-intelligent Governor, and Benson.
Tom Benson wants to resume negotiations with the state, possibly by the end of the summer, on a deal to keep the National Football League team in Louisiana.Saints executive vice president Arnold Fielkow said he had no comment about any upcoming meetings. He said Blanco and Benson met a few weeks ago."At the appropriate time, we look forward to having an opportunity to continue to discuss ways to ensure the Saints receive a long-term agreement," Fielkow said.The two sides are looking at resuming negotiations in August or September, said Denise Bottcher, a spokeswoman for Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Benson broke off talks on April 27, saying he wanted to concentrate on the upcoming NFL season.Bottcher said Benson requested and received a June 17 meeting with Blanco at Saints headquarters in Metairie."It was a very friendly meeting," Bottcher said. "Mr. Benson expressed a strong desire to stay in New Orleans, and the governor expressed a strong desire to make that affordable for the state."Fielkow confirmed the June meeting.Under the team's existing agreement with the state, the Saints can cancel the contract and move from New Orleans after this season, but Benson would have to pay the state about $81 million in penalties. The state can opt out of the contract in 2008 without paying penalties.The contract calls for the state to pay the team $186.5 million from 2002 through 2011, a deal negotiated by former Gov. Mike Foster and one that Blanco says the state cannot afford.The state has had to borrow $15 million two years in a row to make the annual payments to the team because revenue from the hotel-motel tax in Orleans and Jefferson parishes has not met its projected revenue to finance the deal.---Information from: The Times-Picayune.
Tom Benson wants to resume negotiations with the state, possibly by the end of the summer, on a deal to keep the National Football League team in Louisiana.Saints executive vice president Arnold Fielkow said he had no comment about any upcoming meetings. He said Blanco and Benson met a few weeks ago."At the appropriate time, we look forward to having an opportunity to continue to discuss ways to ensure the Saints receive a long-term agreement," Fielkow said.The two sides are looking at resuming negotiations in August or September, said Denise Bottcher, a spokeswoman for Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Benson broke off talks on April 27, saying he wanted to concentrate on the upcoming NFL season.Bottcher said Benson requested and received a June 17 meeting with Blanco at Saints headquarters in Metairie."It was a very friendly meeting," Bottcher said. "Mr. Benson expressed a strong desire to stay in New Orleans, and the governor expressed a strong desire to make that affordable for the state."Fielkow confirmed the June meeting.Under the team's existing agreement with the state, the Saints can cancel the contract and move from New Orleans after this season, but Benson would have to pay the state about $81 million in penalties. The state can opt out of the contract in 2008 without paying penalties.The contract calls for the state to pay the team $186.5 million from 2002 through 2011, a deal negotiated by former Gov. Mike Foster and one that Blanco says the state cannot afford.The state has had to borrow $15 million two years in a row to make the annual payments to the team because revenue from the hotel-motel tax in Orleans and Jefferson parishes has not met its projected revenue to finance the deal.---Information from: The Times-Picayune.
Tucker Carlson, that fat Rita Crosby!
Tucker Carlson is now at MSNBC, and I like his show, he does a really good job. CNN, I still watch on occasion, and have scaled back on watching FOX News, and the reason for that is that their logo ruined my brand new high-definition television, and that really bothered me! FOX News is going to hell for ruining my television! Rita Crosby left FOX because of contract problems, but hell, FOX News carried her, not the other way around, She'll bomb on MSNBC, you'll see. FOX News hired the beautiful Gretchen Carlson, and let me tell you, if they let that hot babe loose, FOX News will have even better ratings, she is a "hottie"! FOX News, by far, has the best looking babes in "news-land", that is why their ratings are so good!
Clear Channel, Rush, etc.
Clear Channel has ruined radio forever! Radio will never we the same, and thank God for XM, and Sirius satellite radio. Satellite radio will change the way we listen to radio. Rush Limbaugh is always complaining about satellite radio, says he has a hard time picking up the signal, but we all know why Rush says that? If Rush stays off satellite radio, he stands to make way more money. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a Rush fan, but sometimes he gets a little out there, on a limb, so to speak!
Football season is about to get under way in the southland!
An Auburn family of football supporters headed out one Saturday to do their Christmas shopping. In the sports shop the son picks up an LSU jersey and says to his older sister, "I've decided to become an LSU fan and I would like this for Christmas".His big sister is outraged by this and promptly whacks him round the head and says, "Go talk to mother".Off goes the little lad with the LSU jersey in hand and finds his mother."Mom?""Yes son?""I've decided I'm going to be a LSU fan and I would like this jersey for Christmas".The mother is outraged at this, promptly whacks him around the head andsays, "Go talk to your father!" Off he goes with the LSU jersey in hand and finds his father. "Dad?""Yes son?""I've decided I'm going to be a LSU fan and I would like this jersey for Christmas".The father is outraged and promptly whacks his son around the head and says, "No son of mine is ever going to be seen in THAT!"About half an hour later they're all back in the car and heading towards home. The father turns to his son and says "Son, I hope you've learned something today."The son says, "Yes, Dad, I have.""Good son, what is it?"The son replies, "I've only been a LSU fan for an hour and I already hate you Auburn bastards."
Tattoos, they are stinky, and sometimes smelly, just like the people that have them!
I have come to the conclusion that the only reason that people go out and get tattoos is so that they are able to take their clothes off! I, mean, think about it, you get a tattoo, and the only way that it is seen, is by taking your clothes off! I would never don a tattoo, it is just wrong to desecrate the body! Back in World War II, Hitler would tattoo Jews, because if a Jew had a tattoo, they could not be buried in a Jewish Cemetery. Tommy Lee Jones has tattoos all over his body, and besides him looking like a crow on heroin, the tattoos make him look moronic, don't you agree? Basketball, football players have to have their tattoos, even movie stars have tattoos, and Kelly Ripa has a tattoo. The only tattoo that I ever liked was Hervé Villechaize of Fantasy Island fame!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The NCAA is wrong, and they need to be stopped!
The NCAA is wrong, and they need to be stopped! Read below!
NCAA nixes ‘hostile’ names
By Matt Perkins
NCAA championships are about to change — or at least the names of the teams participating in them are.
Some of the most popular and successful teams in college sports are at the center of an ongoing controversy that reached new heights last week.
The NCAA Executive Committee issued a policy Friday that prohibits colleges and universities from “displaying hostile and abusive racial/ethnic/national origin mascots, nicknames or imagery” at all 88 NCAA championships. Specifically, the policy is aimed at American Indian representations.
But the policy will not cover regular season play, which has caused a continued uproar from some tribes that have headed up a campaign to ban certain NCAA nicknames completely.
On the other side, the announcement is cause for complaint from certain teams, such as the Florida State Seminoles, who have the support of local tribes to continue using their nicknames.
At the root of the decision, which some call a compromise, is the fact that what might be offensive to some isn’t to others, and vice versa.
Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek is at the heart of the controversy about American Indian nicknames and imagery in college sports. Some find the dance, shown here, offensive when used at sporting events.
“It has to be on an individual, case-by-case basis,” Minnesota Athletics Director Joel Maturi said. “But you have to be sensitive to that issue. It’s all about where you draw the line and what is the intention of it.”
Eighteen schools will be affected by the policy, including Florida State, Illinois’ Fighting Illini, North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux and Utah’s Utes, among others.
Florida State has revealed that the Seminole Tribe of Florida is supporting the school’s case to keep the mascot. Conversely, several Sioux tribes in North Dakota have rallied and petitioned against the school’s mascot.
And come the beginning of the spring championship season in March — the policy begins taking effect Feb. 1, 2006, with full prohibition set for Feb. 1, 2008 — the focus on Illinois might shift from its athletic success to its struggle with the new policy.
The nickname “Fighting Illini” might cause some to take offense, but Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek is the source of the most controversy.
Dressed in regalia given to the school by Sioux Chief Frank Fools Crow in 1982 during a halftime ceremony of an Illini football game, the school’s mascot gets the crowd going with a dance some believe shouldn’t be performed for entertainment purposes. The dance is mirrored after a sacred American Indian dance that some believe should only be performed for ceremonial purposes.
Now it might have stirred up as much controversy as school spirit over the years, and the NCAA’s latest step is in more of a politically correct direction, said Bryan Alkemeyer, co-coordinator of the Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative, an “anti-Chief” activist group based in Champaign, Ill.
“We’re really pleased with the NCAA decision,” Alkemeyer said. “We’re hoping they continue to evaluate race-based mascots in sports and possibly even take a stronger stance in the future.”
As of now, it seems nobody is completely happy with the policy, but all sides are left trying to sift through its vague definition of “hostile and abusive.”
The one thing that’s certain is that it’s all part of a process.
“We have to learn more about the NCAA’s policy,” said Thomas Hardy, University of Illinois executive director for university relations. “We need to take some time and figure out some of the ambiguities in the policy. Then we can determine where we go from there.”
NCAA nixes ‘hostile’ names
By Matt Perkins
NCAA championships are about to change — or at least the names of the teams participating in them are.
Some of the most popular and successful teams in college sports are at the center of an ongoing controversy that reached new heights last week.
The NCAA Executive Committee issued a policy Friday that prohibits colleges and universities from “displaying hostile and abusive racial/ethnic/national origin mascots, nicknames or imagery” at all 88 NCAA championships. Specifically, the policy is aimed at American Indian representations.
But the policy will not cover regular season play, which has caused a continued uproar from some tribes that have headed up a campaign to ban certain NCAA nicknames completely.
On the other side, the announcement is cause for complaint from certain teams, such as the Florida State Seminoles, who have the support of local tribes to continue using their nicknames.
At the root of the decision, which some call a compromise, is the fact that what might be offensive to some isn’t to others, and vice versa.
Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek is at the heart of the controversy about American Indian nicknames and imagery in college sports. Some find the dance, shown here, offensive when used at sporting events.
“It has to be on an individual, case-by-case basis,” Minnesota Athletics Director Joel Maturi said. “But you have to be sensitive to that issue. It’s all about where you draw the line and what is the intention of it.”
Eighteen schools will be affected by the policy, including Florida State, Illinois’ Fighting Illini, North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux and Utah’s Utes, among others.
Florida State has revealed that the Seminole Tribe of Florida is supporting the school’s case to keep the mascot. Conversely, several Sioux tribes in North Dakota have rallied and petitioned against the school’s mascot.
And come the beginning of the spring championship season in March — the policy begins taking effect Feb. 1, 2006, with full prohibition set for Feb. 1, 2008 — the focus on Illinois might shift from its athletic success to its struggle with the new policy.
The nickname “Fighting Illini” might cause some to take offense, but Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek is the source of the most controversy.
Dressed in regalia given to the school by Sioux Chief Frank Fools Crow in 1982 during a halftime ceremony of an Illini football game, the school’s mascot gets the crowd going with a dance some believe shouldn’t be performed for entertainment purposes. The dance is mirrored after a sacred American Indian dance that some believe should only be performed for ceremonial purposes.
Now it might have stirred up as much controversy as school spirit over the years, and the NCAA’s latest step is in more of a politically correct direction, said Bryan Alkemeyer, co-coordinator of the Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative, an “anti-Chief” activist group based in Champaign, Ill.
“We’re really pleased with the NCAA decision,” Alkemeyer said. “We’re hoping they continue to evaluate race-based mascots in sports and possibly even take a stronger stance in the future.”
As of now, it seems nobody is completely happy with the policy, but all sides are left trying to sift through its vague definition of “hostile and abusive.”
The one thing that’s certain is that it’s all part of a process.
“We have to learn more about the NCAA’s policy,” said Thomas Hardy, University of Illinois executive director for university relations. “We need to take some time and figure out some of the ambiguities in the policy. Then we can determine where we go from there.”
Monday, August 08, 2005
Aging gracefully.
A 70 yr. old nurse walks into a bank and prepares to endorse a check. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a rectal thermometer and tries to write with it. She looks up at the teller, pauses for a moment, then realizing her mistake, she says, "Well that's great , just great... Some asshole's got my pen."Reporters interviewing a 104 year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked. She simply replied, "No peer pressure." The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, "How old was your husband?" "98," she replied. "Two years older than me." "So you're 96," the undertaker commented. She responded, " Hardly worth going home is it?" I've sure gotten old. I've had two by-pass surgeries. A hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer, and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation, hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But... thank God, I still have my driver's license!A 97 year old man goes into his doctor's office and says, "Doc, I want my sex drive lowered." Sir," replied the doctor, "You're 97. Don't you think your sex drive is all in your head?" "You're damned right it is!" replied the old man. "That's why I want it lowered!" An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will. She told her rabbi she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Walmart. "Walmart!" the rabbi exclaimed. "Why Walmart?" "Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week."
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Passenger Pigeon
A sad, but true tale.
The Passenger Pigeon
In all probability, the Passenger Pigeon was once the most abundant bird on the planet. Accounts of its numbers sound like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds and strain our credulity today. Alexander Wilson, the father of scientific ornithology in America, estimated that one flock consisted of two billion birds. Wilson's rival, John James Audubon, watched a flock pass overhead for three days and estimated that at times more than 300 million pigeons flew by him each hour. Elongated nesting colonies several miles wide could reach a length of forty miles. In these colonies, droppings were thick enough to kill the forest understory.
Passenger Pigeons were denizens of the once great deciduous forests of the eastern United States. The birds provided an easily harvested resource for native Americans and early settlers. To obtain dinner in the nesting season one needed only to wander into a colony and pluck some of the fat squabs that had fallen or been knocked from their nests. Audubon wrote in his classic Birds of America, "The pigeons were picked up and piled in heaps, until each [hunter] had as many as he could possibly dispose of, when the hogs were let loose to feed on the remainder."
Old magazine illustration of hunters shooting Passenger Pigeons. Note the density of the flight.(From copy in Schorger, 1955.)
Market hunters prospered, devising a wide variety of techniques for slaughtering the pigeons and collecting their succulent squabs. Adults were baited with alcohol-soaked grain (which made them drunk and easy to catch), and suffocated by fires of grass or sulfur that were lit below their nests. To attract their brethren, captive pigeons, their eyes sewn shut, were set up as decoys on small perches called stools (which is the origin of the term stool pigeon for one who betrays colleagues). Squabs were knocked from nests with long poles, trees were chopped down or were set on fire to make the squabs jump from nests. Disruption of the colonies was so severe that wholesale nest abandonment was common and breeding success much reduced.
So successful were the market hunters that pigeons became cheap enough for use as live targets in shooting galleries. Laws intended to protect the pigeons did not help. In 1886 an editor's note in Forest and Stream said:
When the birds appear all the male inhabitants of the neighborhood leave their customary occupations as farmers, bark-peelers, oil-scouts, wildcatters, and tavern loafers, and join in the work of capturing and marketing the game. The Pennsylvania law very plainly forbids the destruction of the pigeons on their nesting grounds, but no one pays any attention to the law, and the nesting birds have been killed by thousands and tens of thousands.
As railroads penetrated the upper Middle West after the Civil War, many millions of pigeons were shipped to cities along the Atlantic seaboard, since, by then, clearing of oak and beech forests and hunting had already exterminated the birds on the East Coast. Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon came with stunning rapidity. Michigan was its last stronghold; about three million birds were shipped east from there by a single hunter in 1878. Eleven years later, 1889, the species was extinct in that state. Although small groups of pigeons were held in various places in captivity, efforts to maintain those flocks failed. The last known individual of the species, a female named Martha, died in 1914 in the Cincinnati Zoo and is now on display in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History.
Of course, market hunting ended as soon as harvesting the birds was no longer economically profitable. That point was reached when tens of thousands of the birds still flew within large stretches of suitable habitat. Much of that habitat still exists today, although many of the largest nut-producing trees that were common in the heyday of the pigeon were logged. Why, then, did the birds go extinct? No one knows for sure, but it appears that to survive they needed to nest in vast colonies. Perhaps this permitted them to "swamp" predators with their enormous numbers, so that the relatively few predators in the area of a roost were unable to make a significant dent in the huge breeding colonies. And since these colonies dispersed as soon as breeding was over, predators were prevented from building up their populations on the basis of such an ephemeral resource. In any case, the fate of the Passenger Pigeon illustrates a very important principle of conservation biology: it is not always necessary to kill the last pair of a species to force it to extinction.
Sad to say, the lesson of the Passenger Pigeon has not been learned. At the present time the White-crowned Pigeon is threatened by the horrendous slaughter of nesting birds on its Caribbean breeding grounds.
The Passenger Pigeon
In all probability, the Passenger Pigeon was once the most abundant bird on the planet. Accounts of its numbers sound like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds and strain our credulity today. Alexander Wilson, the father of scientific ornithology in America, estimated that one flock consisted of two billion birds. Wilson's rival, John James Audubon, watched a flock pass overhead for three days and estimated that at times more than 300 million pigeons flew by him each hour. Elongated nesting colonies several miles wide could reach a length of forty miles. In these colonies, droppings were thick enough to kill the forest understory.
Passenger Pigeons were denizens of the once great deciduous forests of the eastern United States. The birds provided an easily harvested resource for native Americans and early settlers. To obtain dinner in the nesting season one needed only to wander into a colony and pluck some of the fat squabs that had fallen or been knocked from their nests. Audubon wrote in his classic Birds of America, "The pigeons were picked up and piled in heaps, until each [hunter] had as many as he could possibly dispose of, when the hogs were let loose to feed on the remainder."
Old magazine illustration of hunters shooting Passenger Pigeons. Note the density of the flight.(From copy in Schorger, 1955.)
Market hunters prospered, devising a wide variety of techniques for slaughtering the pigeons and collecting their succulent squabs. Adults were baited with alcohol-soaked grain (which made them drunk and easy to catch), and suffocated by fires of grass or sulfur that were lit below their nests. To attract their brethren, captive pigeons, their eyes sewn shut, were set up as decoys on small perches called stools (which is the origin of the term stool pigeon for one who betrays colleagues). Squabs were knocked from nests with long poles, trees were chopped down or were set on fire to make the squabs jump from nests. Disruption of the colonies was so severe that wholesale nest abandonment was common and breeding success much reduced.
So successful were the market hunters that pigeons became cheap enough for use as live targets in shooting galleries. Laws intended to protect the pigeons did not help. In 1886 an editor's note in Forest and Stream said:
When the birds appear all the male inhabitants of the neighborhood leave their customary occupations as farmers, bark-peelers, oil-scouts, wildcatters, and tavern loafers, and join in the work of capturing and marketing the game. The Pennsylvania law very plainly forbids the destruction of the pigeons on their nesting grounds, but no one pays any attention to the law, and the nesting birds have been killed by thousands and tens of thousands.
As railroads penetrated the upper Middle West after the Civil War, many millions of pigeons were shipped to cities along the Atlantic seaboard, since, by then, clearing of oak and beech forests and hunting had already exterminated the birds on the East Coast. Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon came with stunning rapidity. Michigan was its last stronghold; about three million birds were shipped east from there by a single hunter in 1878. Eleven years later, 1889, the species was extinct in that state. Although small groups of pigeons were held in various places in captivity, efforts to maintain those flocks failed. The last known individual of the species, a female named Martha, died in 1914 in the Cincinnati Zoo and is now on display in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History.
Of course, market hunting ended as soon as harvesting the birds was no longer economically profitable. That point was reached when tens of thousands of the birds still flew within large stretches of suitable habitat. Much of that habitat still exists today, although many of the largest nut-producing trees that were common in the heyday of the pigeon were logged. Why, then, did the birds go extinct? No one knows for sure, but it appears that to survive they needed to nest in vast colonies. Perhaps this permitted them to "swamp" predators with their enormous numbers, so that the relatively few predators in the area of a roost were unable to make a significant dent in the huge breeding colonies. And since these colonies dispersed as soon as breeding was over, predators were prevented from building up their populations on the basis of such an ephemeral resource. In any case, the fate of the Passenger Pigeon illustrates a very important principle of conservation biology: it is not always necessary to kill the last pair of a species to force it to extinction.
Sad to say, the lesson of the Passenger Pigeon has not been learned. At the present time the White-crowned Pigeon is threatened by the horrendous slaughter of nesting birds on its Caribbean breeding grounds.
What is wrong with the Democrats these days? They have great leaders like John Kerry, Dr. Howard Dean, "Fat-man" Ted Kennedy, and let's not to forget to mention the beautiful Hillary "I'm a man" Clinton! So, Hillary wants to lead this country, wants to be our president, wants to be able to bring Bill back to the White house. Can you imagine that even happening? It's up to us southern men that vote, to make damn sure that doesn't' ever happen! Our country has been through enough turmoil with the Clintons. Hillary, just write another book!
Dukes Of Hazzard!
I went to see the new movie, "The Dukes of Hazzard", starring Jessica Simpson. Now, can anyone out there tell me why Jessica Simpson is considered to be so beautiful? I don't see it, now I must say that she did a pretty good job of shaking her ass, but that was about it! I recommend this movie, for the fun, but it's not for those "movie-goers", that demand great scripts, with a great story, because this movie has neither, but it was fun to see Burt Reynolds, and Willie Nelson. The hell with what the critics say, go see this movie just for the out-takes at the end of the movie, it is worth the ten bucks!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Kelly Ripa, the "kiss-ass-kiss-up" babe!
This morning, Kelly Ripa, had sitting beside her co-host Jessica Simpson, and all that Kelly Ripa could do was "kiss-up" to Jessica "no-brain-in-the head" Simpson! Jessica Simpson sings OK, but the way she jerks that head around while on stage can make you develop a case of "vertigo"! Molly Sims, the actress with the bad-lisp was also kissing up to Jessica Simpson! I'll go see the "Dukes Of Hazzard" movie to see Jessica in a bikini, but I also want to see the fine acting! Yep, Kelly Ripa is a "kiss-up", "kiss-ass", type of gal! Kelly, gain some weight!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Hillary Clinton for President? You've go to be kidding!
See below, and this woman wants to be president? She has balls, that's for damn sure! We, Americans, are a bunch of "brain-dead" idiots, if we elected that mean, hateful, female dog to the office of the presidency!
XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX FRI DEC 05, 2003 19:58:09 ET XXXXXHILLARY RIPS BUSH: WARNS OF 'IRREPARABLE HARM' TO NATIONSen. Hillary Rodham Clinton blasts President Bush and his "radical" administration on Saturday for attempting to dismantle the "central pillars of progress in our country during the 20th century."Clinton makes the comments to Saturday editions of the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, sources tell DRUDGE.The former first lady says she has become convinced the Republican administration wants "to undo the New Deal," the Roosevelt-era policies that ushered in Social Security and a host of other governmental assistance programs.She said that Bush, who campaigned as a "compassionate conservative" in 2000, had taken a "hard-right turn to pursue an extremist agenda" after moving into the White House."I don't know where it came from, but the fact is that this President Bush has not only been radical and extreme in terms of Democratic presidents but in terms of Republican presidents, including his own father," she says.She believes Bush is beatable next year because his administration is "making America less free, fair, strong, smart than it deserves to be in a dangerous world.""We have to change direction before irreparable harm is done," she adds."This administration is in danger of being the first in American history to leave our nation worse off than when they found it."Developing...
XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX FRI DEC 05, 2003 19:58:09 ET XXXXXHILLARY RIPS BUSH: WARNS OF 'IRREPARABLE HARM' TO NATIONSen. Hillary Rodham Clinton blasts President Bush and his "radical" administration on Saturday for attempting to dismantle the "central pillars of progress in our country during the 20th century."Clinton makes the comments to Saturday editions of the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, sources tell DRUDGE.The former first lady says she has become convinced the Republican administration wants "to undo the New Deal," the Roosevelt-era policies that ushered in Social Security and a host of other governmental assistance programs.She said that Bush, who campaigned as a "compassionate conservative" in 2000, had taken a "hard-right turn to pursue an extremist agenda" after moving into the White House."I don't know where it came from, but the fact is that this President Bush has not only been radical and extreme in terms of Democratic presidents but in terms of Republican presidents, including his own father," she says.She believes Bush is beatable next year because his administration is "making America less free, fair, strong, smart than it deserves to be in a dangerous world.""We have to change direction before irreparable harm is done," she adds."This administration is in danger of being the first in American history to leave our nation worse off than when they found it."Developing...
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Ayman al-Zawahiri, the right hand man to Bin Laden is nothing more than a joke! He makes statements about killing thousands of American soldiers if we don't leave Iraq! What the bastard doesn't understand is that if one one American soldier is killed, that is equivalent of a thousand to us Americans! Ayman al-Zawahiri doesn't understand the will and might of American soldiers in battle, especially Marines, you go around killing them, and more will come after you! Ayman al-Zawahiri is a bastard, that is going to hell, and will have bombs exploding up his stinky-ass for all eternity, and God will have Bin Laden cleaning out the asses of camels for all eternity! I don't think these morons understand, that a creator that gives life, and gives you life, is not going to reward you for taking someone's else's life! What God do they pray too, or should I say prey too? You bastards are going straight to hell!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Jessica Simpson
This Friday, the movie, "The Dukes Of Hazzard" will be released with Johnny "Jack-ass"-Knoxville, Sean William Scott, and Jessica Simpson. Now, Jessica Simpson, I think would have been better off if she would have been in a movie called "Hooters", because she has a pair of nice big"hooters"! It's hard for me to believe that Jessica Simpson married "pencil-neck-geek", Nick Lachey! I'm going to the movie, and I know I'll see some fine acting, or I'll see a movie that makes no sense?
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hannah Storm is sexay!
When CBS first hired Hannah Storm for "The Early Show", I was one that thought it to be a bad idea, but now I think, that out of the five clowns that host that show, she is the most professional, and I must say "sexy"!
Anorexic women
What is wrong with having a little weight, and looking like a real woman? Nicole Richey, Lindsay Lohan, The Olsen Twins, look like walking death. Put some weight on ladies, start eating grits. It's a damn shame, that for the love of money, that you have to go and starve yourself to death! Being a movie star, and making money, is not worth dieing early, and leaving behind the money you have made, only to be given to someone else. Get a grip on life, and start living. This morning, while watching Regis, Bernadette Peters was filling in for the "anorexic" Kelly Ripa, and Bernadette is looking "anorexic" as well! The world has gone bonkers!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I would like to thank the "no-good-lousy-terriosts", who are nothing more than a bunch of "pussies", that have their sights on ruining the world. I have news for you bastards, you are not accomplishing a damn thing! The only thing that you "back-pack-bombers", and "suicide-bombers" are accomplishing is that, you're going straight to hell! What are you morons thinking? Do you think that the God that created you, is going to have mercy on your soul, when you go out here, and maim, and kill innocent people? You are going straight to hell, all you "terriosts-bastards", and good riddance! You have made it to where innocent people are having a difficult time wearing back-packs, but we'll overcome this torture, that you are trying to put us through, and we'll wind up finding you, and kicking your ass, and our back-packs will prevail!
The band INXS has teamed up with Mark Burnett of "Survivor" fame, and is trying to help the band INXS find a new band member. You can see the hopefuls trying their best to make the band. INXS use to be a really good band, but lost their dynamic when the lead singer decided to Permanently check-out! Brooke Burke, is the hostess of the show has some terrific hooters, and a nice ass, and she really makes the show worth watching. I don't know what it is, but it's rather odd, to see a bunch of over-weight rockers, the last remaining members of INXS trying to find a lead singer on national American television, when in fact, they should be looking for another mate, from "down-under", in the land of "OZ"! Good luck to the "over-the-weight-gang"!
Space Shuttle
Lets us hope that all goes well this morning, with the shuttle launch. It's always beautiful site to see, when the shuttle takes off, but the way the shuttle program has gone of late, it's just a bit scary for me to watch. Good luck NASA.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Penis Study.
The Study In 1997, Harvard funded a study to see why the head of a Penis was bigger than the rest of it. After one year and $180,000.00, they concluded that the reason the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex. After Harvard published the study, Yale decided to do their own. After $250,000.00, and 3 years of research, they concluded that the reason was to give the woman more pleasure during sex. Mississippi State, unsatisfied with these findings, conducted their own study. After 2 weeks and a cost of around $75.46, they concluded that it was to keep a man's hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead.
I'm from Louisiana, are you?
You might be from Louisiana, if.....
YOU MIGHT BE FROM LOUISIANA IF........... 1. You've ever wore shorts at Christmas time. 2. You pronounce Lafayette as "Laffy-ette" not "La-fay-et." 3. Yo! You learned to drive a boat before you could drive a car. 4. You know the meaning of a "Delcambre Reeboks" (that would be a pair of all white fishing boots). 5. You offer somebody a "Coke" and then ask them what kind: Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, 7Up? 6. You can name all of your 3rd-cousins. 7. LSU football.8. You greet people with "Ha's ya momma'an'dem?" and hear back "Dey fine!"9. Every so often, you have waterfront property.10. When giving directions you use words like "uptown", "downtown","backatown", riverside", "lakeside!", "northshore", "westbank!", "down the bayou" or " 'cross the river". 11. When you refer to a geographical location "way up North," you are referring to places like Shreveport, Little Rock or Memphis, "where it gets real cold!" 12. Your burial plot is six feet over rather than six feet under. 13. You've ever had Community Coffee. 14. You can pronounce Tchoupitoulas but can't spell it (also, Natchitoches [pronounced Nack-uh-tish],Thibodeaux, Opelousas, Pontchartrain, Ouachita, Atchafalaya, etc.).
15. You don't worry when you see ships riding higher in the river than the top of your house. 16. You judge a po-boy by the number of napkins used. (Amen) You Got dat rite. 17. The waitress-hop tells you a fried oyster po-boy dressed is healthier than a Caesar salad. 18. You know the definition of "dressed."19. You can eat Popeye's, Haydel's and Zapp's for lunch and several Abitas, without losing it all on your stoop.20. The smell of a crawfish boil turns you on more than HBO. 21. You "wrench" your hands in the sink with an onion bar to get the crawfish smell off. 22. You're not afraid when someone wants to "ax you something." 23. You go by "ya-mom-en-'dems" on Good Friday for family supper. 24. You don't learn until high school that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday. 25. You don't realize until high school what a "county" is. 26. You believe that purple, green and gold look good together (and you will even eat things those colors). 27. You go to buy a new winter coat (what most people refer to as windbreakers). 28. Your last name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled. 29. You know what a nutria rat is but you still pick it to represent your baseball team. (Geaux Zephyrs). 30. You have a ditch on at least one side of your property.
31. You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs. 32. You describe a color as "K&B Purple." 33. You like your rice and politics dirty. 34. When given the choice for governor between a KKK leader and Edwin Edwards, it's a difficult decision. 35. You pronounce the largest city in the state as "Nawlins." 36. You know those big roaches (waterbugs) can fly, but you're able to sleep at night anyway.
37. You prefer skiing on the bayou. 38. You assume everyone has mosquito swarms in their backyard. 39. You realize the rain forest is less humid than Louisiana. 40. You can list all the ingredient's of a gumbo or a jambalaya. 41. You go to the "boat", but you don't plan on spending any time over water. 42. When you're in Baton Rouge you know the difference between the old bridge & the new bridge. 43. If you ever had to wait for the bridge to "come down" so you can get home. 44. If you pull for the Saints (who else would)? 45. If you've ever been to a wedding and someone either danced in a #3 washtub or with a broom! and this was considered normal. 46. You make your groceries, or, wash your dishes,or, have an icebox. 47. You can't think of anybody that can cook better than your momma. 48. You know when it's appropriate to use "Tony Chachere's" (anytime!!!!). 49. You know an old person that can "treat" you for warts. 50. The four seasons in your year are: crawfish, shrimp, crab and King Cake.
51. You know the difference between Moon Landrieu and Moon Griffon and know neither is tied to a celestial event. (And know that Mary is Moon Landrieu's daughter, not his widow.) SEND THIS TO EVERYBODY WHO KNOWS YOU ARE FROM LOUISIANA - OR CAME FROM LOUISIANA THEMSELVES ------- THIS IS TOO TRUE!!!
YOU MIGHT BE FROM LOUISIANA IF........... 1. You've ever wore shorts at Christmas time. 2. You pronounce Lafayette as "Laffy-ette" not "La-fay-et." 3. Yo! You learned to drive a boat before you could drive a car. 4. You know the meaning of a "Delcambre Reeboks" (that would be a pair of all white fishing boots). 5. You offer somebody a "Coke" and then ask them what kind: Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, 7Up? 6. You can name all of your 3rd-cousins. 7. LSU football.8. You greet people with "Ha's ya momma'an'dem?" and hear back "Dey fine!"9. Every so often, you have waterfront property.10. When giving directions you use words like "uptown", "downtown","backatown", riverside", "lakeside!", "northshore", "westbank!", "down the bayou" or " 'cross the river". 11. When you refer to a geographical location "way up North," you are referring to places like Shreveport, Little Rock or Memphis, "where it gets real cold!" 12. Your burial plot is six feet over rather than six feet under. 13. You've ever had Community Coffee. 14. You can pronounce Tchoupitoulas but can't spell it (also, Natchitoches [pronounced Nack-uh-tish],Thibodeaux, Opelousas, Pontchartrain, Ouachita, Atchafalaya, etc.).
15. You don't worry when you see ships riding higher in the river than the top of your house. 16. You judge a po-boy by the number of napkins used. (Amen) You Got dat rite. 17. The waitress-hop tells you a fried oyster po-boy dressed is healthier than a Caesar salad. 18. You know the definition of "dressed."19. You can eat Popeye's, Haydel's and Zapp's for lunch and several Abitas, without losing it all on your stoop.20. The smell of a crawfish boil turns you on more than HBO. 21. You "wrench" your hands in the sink with an onion bar to get the crawfish smell off. 22. You're not afraid when someone wants to "ax you something." 23. You go by "ya-mom-en-'dems" on Good Friday for family supper. 24. You don't learn until high school that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday. 25. You don't realize until high school what a "county" is. 26. You believe that purple, green and gold look good together (and you will even eat things those colors). 27. You go to buy a new winter coat (what most people refer to as windbreakers). 28. Your last name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled. 29. You know what a nutria rat is but you still pick it to represent your baseball team. (Geaux Zephyrs). 30. You have a ditch on at least one side of your property.
31. You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs. 32. You describe a color as "K&B Purple." 33. You like your rice and politics dirty. 34. When given the choice for governor between a KKK leader and Edwin Edwards, it's a difficult decision. 35. You pronounce the largest city in the state as "Nawlins." 36. You know those big roaches (waterbugs) can fly, but you're able to sleep at night anyway.
37. You prefer skiing on the bayou. 38. You assume everyone has mosquito swarms in their backyard. 39. You realize the rain forest is less humid than Louisiana. 40. You can list all the ingredient's of a gumbo or a jambalaya. 41. You go to the "boat", but you don't plan on spending any time over water. 42. When you're in Baton Rouge you know the difference between the old bridge & the new bridge. 43. If you ever had to wait for the bridge to "come down" so you can get home. 44. If you pull for the Saints (who else would)? 45. If you've ever been to a wedding and someone either danced in a #3 washtub or with a broom! and this was considered normal. 46. You make your groceries, or, wash your dishes,or, have an icebox. 47. You can't think of anybody that can cook better than your momma. 48. You know when it's appropriate to use "Tony Chachere's" (anytime!!!!). 49. You know an old person that can "treat" you for warts. 50. The four seasons in your year are: crawfish, shrimp, crab and King Cake.
51. You know the difference between Moon Landrieu and Moon Griffon and know neither is tied to a celestial event. (And know that Mary is Moon Landrieu's daughter, not his widow.) SEND THIS TO EVERYBODY WHO KNOWS YOU ARE FROM LOUISIANA - OR CAME FROM LOUISIANA THEMSELVES ------- THIS IS TOO TRUE!!!
Whoopi Goldberg, is America tired of her? I know I am!
This morning, while tuning in to watch "Regis & Kelly", there sitting in Kelly's place, is Whoopi Goldberg, I'm sorry, but I'm tuning you out, Whoopi! You have past your prime, and have become nothing more than that of a "snuff-comic"!
Al Gore is "Wacky"
Not only did Al Gore invent the internet, he is now claiming that he took some instruction from the late Johnny Carson. I don't believe that, nor should you. Gore is a blathering nim-come-poop", and that's all he'll ever be, except for maybe, a "blathering-idiot" See the story below:
Published: July 25, 2005
SAN FRANCISCO, July 23 - As vice president, Al Gore learned that the most disarming way to counter his wooden image was to tell better jokes about himself than the late-night comedians did. Mr. Gore now says he received occasional tutoring on those one-liners from the master of the television monologue, Johnny Carson.
Mr. Gore said he had telephoned Mr. Carson on several occasions in the mid-1990's to seek his guidance on "timing and delivery."
"He let me call him up and bounce jokes off him and he would give me advice on the presentation of gags," said Mr. Gore, who said he had initially approached the retired "Tonight Show" host through a mutual friend. "It was such a privilege."
Mr. Gore said that Mr. Carson, who died in January, had even given him a couple of jokes. But Mr. Carson's greatest contribution, Mr. Gore said, came in 1994, when over the telephone he walked Mr. Carson through a skit he intended to do before a black-tie Washington dinner known as the Gridiron.
The idea, Mr. Gore said, was that he would be wheeled onto the dais on a hand truck, ramrod straight, and would slowly be cranked to his feet by "two guys in Acme delivery costumes."
"I told Johnny about it, and he said, 'Oh that's great,' " Mr. Gore recalled. "He said, 'When you do it, make sure to wait till they stop laughing.' "
To his delight, Mr. Gore said, the bit killed.
"Part of the shtick on me in those days was that I was stiff," Mr. Gore added, laughing. "I like to think it's passed, but it's not."
Published: July 25, 2005
SAN FRANCISCO, July 23 - As vice president, Al Gore learned that the most disarming way to counter his wooden image was to tell better jokes about himself than the late-night comedians did. Mr. Gore now says he received occasional tutoring on those one-liners from the master of the television monologue, Johnny Carson.
Mr. Gore said he had telephoned Mr. Carson on several occasions in the mid-1990's to seek his guidance on "timing and delivery."
"He let me call him up and bounce jokes off him and he would give me advice on the presentation of gags," said Mr. Gore, who said he had initially approached the retired "Tonight Show" host through a mutual friend. "It was such a privilege."
Mr. Gore said that Mr. Carson, who died in January, had even given him a couple of jokes. But Mr. Carson's greatest contribution, Mr. Gore said, came in 1994, when over the telephone he walked Mr. Carson through a skit he intended to do before a black-tie Washington dinner known as the Gridiron.
The idea, Mr. Gore said, was that he would be wheeled onto the dais on a hand truck, ramrod straight, and would slowly be cranked to his feet by "two guys in Acme delivery costumes."
"I told Johnny about it, and he said, 'Oh that's great,' " Mr. Gore recalled. "He said, 'When you do it, make sure to wait till they stop laughing.' "
To his delight, Mr. Gore said, the bit killed.
"Part of the shtick on me in those days was that I was stiff," Mr. Gore added, laughing. "I like to think it's passed, but it's not."
Our world has changed, bombings going off everywhere, and what is so ironic is the fact, is that people are killing themselves, to kill others! What are these crazy sucide bombers thinking? Do they think, that by killing themselves that they are going to reach some sort of salvation? One question that comes to mind, everytime I hear of a bomb going off, is where are these "terriosts" obtaining their "sucide-belts"? They must be getting them from someone, but who, and whom? Could someone please inform these "terriosts", that by blowing themselves up, and others , that they are going staright to hell!
Lance Armstrong
I have to admit that I was saddened by the fact that Lance won his seventh, and final "Tour De France", and I say that because it's been a lot of fun to watch an American and a man, with his skill and endurance level to win that three week race. Unless, you have ridden a bike in a "criterium race", or a "road Race", you have no idea, how hard it is, just to participate in one. On Lance Armstrong's personal life, it is none of my business, and sure, I was upset that him and his wife split up, as any good-Catholic, like myself, I just hate divorce, especially when children are involved, but Cheryl Crowe seems to really love Lance, and he seems to love her as well, so good luck to both of them. I have lost my mother and my father to cancer, and what Lance Armstrong's foundation, "Live-strong" is doing is great! God bless you Lance!
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About Me
- markcpizzolato
- Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.