Monday, August 22, 2005

Paris Hilton is a "Nasty-Asty"!

Paris Hilton is the kind of gal that you don't really want to take to meet mom and dad(especially dad). Paris is dating some cat named "Paris", and he an aire to a shipping fortune, and they are supposedly in "love"? Now, Paris is a young gal, that has been in home-made "porno-flick", was also in the horror movie, "House of wax", but you know what, I just don't see any beauty in this babe! I mean, what is the big deal about Paris Hilton? She is a young broad, with just too much time on her hands! There is a really good chance that the other Paris will get smart and marry some Greek babe, since he is Greek, or maybe he's a "geek"? Yea, maybe, he's a "pencil neck-geek", and not a Greek? But, think about it, anyone in their right-mind, would not marry the "nasty-asty", Paris Hilton. I'm an old man, and I think I would turn her down! Yikes!

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

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Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.