Thursday, August 25, 2005

Huffington-Puffington~What a freaking joke!

My suggestion to My suggestion to Arianna Huffington, is to hire a voice coach, an interpreter, so that Americans can understand what she is saying! She spews anger, and makes no sense at all,and these talk shows have her on, just to make fun of her., that is my way of thinking about it. Huffington's husband went gay, and I personally think it was because during sex, she wouldn't shut-up! Huffington has a blog, and she has many people of influence writing about how bad the world is, how bad President Bush is, etc, etc, etc.! I think that until Huffington-Puffington can learn how to communicate in English, that maybe she should go back to her native homeland of Greece, and stay there until her speaking and her attitude gets to be a little better!, is to hire a voice coach, an interpreter, so that Americans can understand what she is saying! She spews anger, and makes no sense at all,and these talk shows have her on, just to make fun of her, that is my way of thinking about it. Huffington's husband went gay, and I personally think it was because during sex, she wouldn't shut-up! Huffington has a blog, and she has many people of influence writing about how bad the world is, how bad President Bush is, etc, etc, etc.! I think that until Huffington-Puffington can learn how to communicate in English, that maybe she should go back to her native homeland of Greece, and stay there until her speaking and her attitude gets to be a little better!

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

About Me

Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.