Monday, September 12, 2005


The New Orleans Saints are Louisiana, and therefore they should stay in Louisiana. Commissioner Tagliabue is wanting to place a team in Los Angeles, so badly, that he is willing to sell his soul to the devil, and move any existing team to Los Angeles, for the purpose of generating more revenue, and Tagliabue could care less about the fans that have stood by the Saints since 1967! I don't believe a team can make it in Los Angeles, if they are transplanted from another city, especially New Orleans! Look at the suffering that the Saints fans have gone through. America will frown on the NFL if they were to move the Saints! That would be stupid! What Taglibue needs to do, is to form a new team in Los Angeles, so that the fans will embrace them as a Los Angeles team, and not a transplanted team! Look at the Raiders, they failed in Los Angeles, as well as the Rams, that had to move to St. Louis. I really don't believe that any team will ever make it in Los Angeles! Tagliabue, eventually, the bottom fall out, and it will! The NFL needs to get it's act together, and work at keeping teams in their NFL cities, and not always try to move them! Benson sell the team, to Louisiana, or sell the team to a Louisiana business owner, that will keep them here in our state where they belong!

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

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Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.