Saturday, September 17, 2005

Renee Zellweger~Kenny Chesney

I knew that Renee and Kenny's marriage was doomed from the start, she's into herself, and will never gain weight! Renee looks like a little boy, and she is very anorexic! The problem with Kenny and Renee's marriage is that he had the guts to tell Renee to gain some weight! The fact of the matter is that she is so scared to gain a little weight, and if she were to gain weight, she might not receive any more movie roles. Poor Renee, and Kenny, you should be down on your knees thanking God, that she left you, find a woman with some meat, and a one with a body! Don't be married to a little boy!

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

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Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.