Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Blanco, should be called "Blanko" Does she even have a brain in her head?

The Governor of the state of Louisiana, should in no way be re-elected, and with most of her constituents now displaced in other parts of the country, there is a good chance, that she, along with Senator Mary Landrieu will not be re-elected. What kind of a person is Landrieu that would come out and say that she would like to punch President Bush in the face? Blanco has not the leadership to get this state through hard times, she would be better of being a school teacher. Don't get me wrong, no one is perfect, but let's be real here, Blanco and Nagin botched this, not the President. Louisiana, pay close attention to the way that Blanco handled this crisis, and she in no way should be re-elected. What an embarrassment, and a disaster for our great state!

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

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Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.