Please do not forget about the folks of New Orleans, Misssissippi, and Alabama! Those folks lost a lot down there in the gulf, and it will take years to recover! In New Orleans, we have, or should say, we had a couple of professional sports teams, like the New Orleans Hornets, and the other franchise, you may have heard of the "New Orleans Saints", but the guy, that owns the Saints is a devil, with no moral values! When Benson purchased, the team, he said that he would keep them in New Orleans, and now the no good-S.O.B is trying to move the team to San Antonio! Benson is a liar, so are the people of San Antonio! They are just as bad as he his! Benson is going to try and beat the state of Louisiana out of 81 million dollars. He says there is no plans to move the team to San Antonio, but he is already in the middle of trying to cancel his lease at the Saints practice facility in Metarie Louisiana. What a bastard Benson is, to turn his back on the people of Louisiana, that has supported that team since, 1967! Benso, you devil, you should be ashamed of yourself! Let, us folks in Louisiana, purchase the team, leave them here, in our state, and then you and your Niece, Rita, can haul your asses out of here!
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