Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My granson was put up for adoption!

My grandson was put up for adoption about a year ago,and this year will make four years since my daughter passed away! The man she was married to is Stephen Roberts and he is currently in the Air Force at Beale Air Force base, and is once again re-married! It is hard to believe that this man would put his own son up for adoption, his reason, was that he couldn't stand to look at him! One of my questions is how in the hell did this guy have the sense to even be walking amongst men, because he's certainly not a man! Here is a picture of my ex-son-in-law,instead of letting my grandson be with his family in Louisiana, adopts him out to his ex-sister-law. Visit this link, and see what this man looks like, I cannot believe that the Air Force has this guy in the service! Pray for this guy, he needs plenty of prayers!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Alma Awards!

I tried watching the Alma Awards tonight with Eva Longoria as the host! My question is this, what are the networks thinking that air these type of shows? Eva talked about Tony,her finance that plays basketball and she made sure that we saw him,and that we saw her parents! Man, that Alama Awards show was depressing! When are the networks going to have an 'anglo-saxon' show? Eva,her marriage to 'basketball-man' is over before it starts, and the Alama Awards is insulting to all of America!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Savage is a whack-job!

Savage is a whack-job! I really don't know what the big deal was,and is about IMUS, when you have a guy like Michael Savage that simply adores himself,and that can be a really bad thing. Savage should not be on the radio, but in an assane asylum. This guy is out there! I say, Sharpton, get off your butt, and attack Savage!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alec Baldwin

I believe that Alec Baldwin getting a 'raw-deal' here! First of all, he's probably frustrated that he doesn't see his daughter enough,and then his ex-wife leaks a recorded message to the media,so who is wrong here? Figure it out!


The picture that just ended Obama's run for the Whitehouse! OOPS!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho, had problems! Big problems!

What can you say about this guy Cho? Evil, sick, what caused him to kill? Was it a whack on the head when he was a boy? We can examine this until we're blue in the face, and the only one with answers will be Geraldo? Geraldo needs to go back to fighting crime in the streets, and stop thinking that he knows it all! I can't believe that he even has a job with Fox News? What were they thinking when they hired that guy? Cho was just crazy, and after the brain is examined he'll have some kind of tumor or something, that seems to always be the case!

'American Idol' Says See ya' Sanjaya

'American Idol' Says See ya' Sanjaya! Yep, tonight Sanjaya got the boot! That does at least one thing it saves American Idol's credibility! Can you imagine what would have happened if he would have won? It would have been a disaster of 'Biblical-Proportions'! It looks like America has spoken with over thirty-eight million voters! Tonight on American Idol,Martina McBride sang, and that is one 'Hot-Momma'! Damn she is beautiful! Her husband is a lucky man! one more thing about Sanjaya, no need to worry,he'll be the next 'Elvis of India'! Yikes!

Michael Savage

Michael Savage may not be crazy, but he's pretty close? I don't think Sharpton or Jackson have any idea just how brutal Savage can be? I tune in Savage every day,and after an hour of listening to Savage,it makes me realize just how sane I am!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech

This is a disaster! The media talks about how big of a massacre this is at Virginia Tech , surpassing the other tragic events that have taken place on other college campuses, such as the one that took place in Austin Texas many years ago. I think the media has done a good job over all, but can Fox News not use Geraldo Rivera? It's my feeling that it will a long time for the students to get over this. Just pray for these

Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Yea, Elisabeth Hasselbeck may be a "hot momma", but I have issues with her voice! Can anyone around her help her get a voice-coach? I, mean she seems to be a nice lady, but man get her help with that squeaky voice.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Rutgers ladies have class

It looks like now that the Rutgers ladies have shown that they have more class than that of Sharpton,and Moonves. Here is the coach and the ladies of Rutgers doing the right thing and forgiving a fellow human being. What is so hard to believe, is that they have more sense than Moonves who most probably received a tongue-lashing from his broadcast wife, Julie Chen, and Sharpton is just a moron, and that is why he is,what he is! Sure Imus is a disc-jockey, with no power over any other human being, Sharpton and Moonves fail to realize that only God has power over us, and not man to man! These rappers are praised because America has caved into having to feel sorry for these thugs! Why feel sorry for Snoop-Dog, and the other rappers that make millions exploiting others, and Imus just blurts out something that is commonly said these days among the blacks, and the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and Moonves want him crucified! My hat is off to the Rutgers ladies, they have a lot sense and class!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

opio sokoni

Opio Sokoni is the leader of the pack when it comes to moronic behavior. Have you ever heard this moron speak? It's all about the white man, how bad we are, and eveil we are! Man, this race stuff is getting worse.

Boycott CBS

I say boycott CBS and all of it's programming. It looks like this has become more of n a personal issue, than that of an issue of a "shock-jock" saying some off the wall remark. I can write about this, I was part of the business for twenty-seven years, and while it is bad to say any thing bad about anyone, it's also forgivable if you make that type of mistake. Les Monvees has been lucky, and that's the jest of it.If it wasn't for Mark Burnette, CBS would be toast. Sure IMUS said something stupid, but we all do, and to let a moron like Al Sharpton control the universe is a bad deal. Yea, Les Moonves throws his power around, like letting his wife work on The CBS Morning Show, which I think is the only reason she still has a job. I'll not watch CBS programming, and will not watch NBC programming, and just bite the bullet and watch ABC. I also understand that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton had a sit-down with Les Moonves early this afternoon ... wait till the Hispanics start pushing THEIR will on advertisers and companies ... there are more Hispanics than blacks in the US & A now. We are doomed!


"From the outset, I believe all of us have been deeply upset and repulsed by the statements that were made on our air about the young women who represented Rutgers University in the NCAA Women's Basketball Championship with such class, energy and talent," said CBS President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves, in announcing the decision. Is anyone ever told Moonves,that he has no guts, and that he has a screw loose? The idea of giving into Sharpton and Jackson is disgusting. My days of watching NBC, and CBS is over with. The days of freedom of speech are over with. Moonves needs to be fired for letting his wife Julie Chen still have a job on The CBS Morning Show!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sanjaya Malakar

Haley Scanato, from San Antonio was voted off America Idol tonight, Sanjaya Malakar survived. Now, here is what I think, Haley Scarnato is a "sexay-babe", and for the first time since American Idol has been on the air, I voted, and that was for Haley. Sanjaya Malakar will be the winner this year,and American Idol set the rules that allow the "masses" to call in as many times as they want, so when Sanjaya Malakar takes the coveted-prize, the rules on idol will change. As for Haley, she'll be just fine.


Nifong has shown the world, that truly "justice is blind". Today the Attorney General Of North Carolina dropped all charges against the three Duke LaCrosse players. Now, you talk about destroying some one's reputation, this guy Nifong has not only hurt these three young men, but will most certainly be disbarred, and most probably indicted! Justice may be blind, but this will truly open up Nifong's eyes.


Well it looks like MSNBC has cowed down to Al Sharpton, and this is a big mistake! How can the President of MSNBC do this? By doing this, MSNBC has given in,to a "two-time loser, and now it most probably spell "doom" for the stuggling cable network. For one thing, you cannot listen to morons like Sharpton, that have no moral compass, and most of the time represent the worst in man. Yea, Imus made a mistake, but in the words of Jesus Christ, "ye among you, who is without sin, cast the first stone". Most people forget that no one has any power over any other man, and Sharpton is suppose to be a man of the clothe is nothing more than that of a "false-prophet"!


It's getting to be a daily topic on all these talk shows about Don Imus. Sure some advertisers are pulling out, and I'm sure that hurts the pocket-books of CBS Radio, and MSNBC, a little maybe? The fact of the matter is, it only helps Imus, with all this coverage that he's recieving. A lot of folks, that didn't know exactly who Imus is, now knows, and this coverage has only helped him. So, keep up the good work, Sharpton.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's pretty sad that we have to rely on the media for information. This thing with Don Imus is an over-blown event that does not deserve this kind of coverage. Sharpton, a man, that is not trust-worthy tries his best to get Imus to resign, and Imus stands up to him, and Sharpton gets mad! Sharpton to me is the bad-guy here, and I think he should resign, and go out and get a real job. I, mean, having a big mouth and spewing at the mouth, does not make you a hero. Sharpton is not a spokesman for every black in America, and to be quite honest, how many blacks even know who Sharpton is, and for that matter Imus. America, is changing, not necessarly for the best, but it is changing, and one day, we as, Americans will figure it out. I watch Wolf Blitzer, and others news hounds keep talking about Imus, that tells me that it's a slow news week, or the hounds are just bored? Today, I was watching a member of the Rutgers basketball team say that she was permantly scared by the remarks of Imus! Tell me how is she permantely scared? This is out of hand now, and blame the media, for this, and no one else.


This morning I tuned in "The View", just like I do every day to see what Rosie O'Doughnuts has to say, and this morning, she mentioned how "fat" she was, and how she need to lose some weight. No, Rosie, not "some" weight, but a "lot" of weight! The fact was also mentioned that Joy had sex! Well, who cares if Joy had sex? I think most red-hot American males would like to know if Elizibeth Hasslebeck had sex, but not Joy! I think America would like to know if Barbara Walters is having sex, but not Joy!

Global Warming

How can anyone take "Global-Warming" seriously when this very day in April, it is cold, especially here in the south. Yea, raining, and cold here in North Louisiana, and the weather-man, is saying that it's going to get warmer in the next few days. The local weather-guys are always saying that the weather is going to change, and we all know that the weather changes from day to day.


Think about it, Sharpton is a so-called "man of the clothe", a preacher, and God preaches forgiveness, so how can Sharpton be a preacher when he does not act-"God-Like"! Look, the music played by urban-radio, plays songs that constantly talk about whores, murder, and whatever else is out there, so give Imus and America a break. A big deal is being made over nothing. Another thing, the media fails to realize is that the co-host of Imus's show called the Rutgers team "hoes" before Imus did, and not one word is being mentioned about that. Man, this is crazy!

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Huffington Post

Tell me how it is, that Huffington is always asked to be on these talk shows, when you can't even understand what the hell she is even saying? Is she releated to Nancy Pelosi?


I have said it before, and I'll say it again, and I'll probably say it some more, "Pelosi is a disgrace", and she'll keep doing what she is doing, and she'll be re-elected time after time. Think about it, how do people like Pelosi get elected? My thought is that she is from California, and she is only electable there, because I don't think anywhere else in the country would a bunch of folks that had someone like her representing them, would vote for her. She is not electable in the south, and that is a fact, not fiction. California should re-think Pelosi, and maybe send someone else to D.C.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hillary Clinton

Come on America, let’s get real! Do you really think that Hillary can be elected? I don't think so! The one thing that is going to keep her from getting back in "The Whitehouse”, is the fact that every time she opens her mouth, she runs off voters. How can this woman win? I think what will happen, there will be a compromise at the "Democratic-National Convention", to make sure Hillary is the nominee, is to have Obama run as the Vice-Presidential candidate! America, wake-up, Hillary Clinton, get real!

Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

About Me

Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.