Sunday, August 14, 2005

My daughter-dad-mom-my birds.

Since the death of my daughter almost a year and a half ago, it just seems to me like my life has come to a stand-still. I stay depressed, I'm on the verge of losing everything, because of my depression, and not being able to work! I have only begun to start so-called working again, but being in business for yourself can be a struggle, and trying to return to the broadcast business has been a chore. Most stations that receive a sample of my work, like my presentation, but I'm never offered a job. Here of late, I have developed a nagging cough. I raise birds, pigeons, parakeets, and don't know if the dander, that they shake out of their feathers is giving me this cough, but if the problem persists, I'll have to go to a doctor, I believe? It's hard to do anything, when your not able to breathe. My life is certainly a "quirky" one, and it always has been, and just maybe one day things might get better? I think of my dad, who passed away, more than ten years ago. My dad died of cancer, and my mother died of cancer almost seven years ago, and then the loss of my daughter, a year and a half ago is just hard to take. I think, I keep the birds around, not only for the enjoyment, but for something to keep my brain occupied. This story continues, one day, but not today.

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

About Me

Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.