Saturday, September 03, 2005

New Orleans

Sure, it'sa tragedy when a hurricane hits a major city, like New Orleans, and almost destroys the entire city, but who's fault is it that we've had this disaster? I Don't think you blame President Bush? ,I don't think you blame the Mayor Of New Orleans,or even the Governor of Louisiana. I think if you have to blame anything or anyone, you must blame "mother-nature", or God? I'm a Louisiana native, and I love New Orleans, and wanted to move there, before my daughter tragically passed away a year and a half ago. Parts of City of New Orleans is under sea level, so you're going to have problems, just like you're having now when a hurricane with the magnitude of Katrina hits New Orleans. I watch all the media outlets to see what is taking place, and I see reporters from FOX News, like Geraldo Rivera, Shepherd Smith, making total asses out of themselves with their reporting. I have always liked FOX News, but this time around, the coverage has been much better on CNN. Rita Crosby, of MSNBC is the worst, a "blathering-fat-ass-idiot"! I can write these remarks, because I was part of the media for twenty-seven years, and I know how the media "over-does" everything! Pray for the poor people of New Orleans that are suffering, pray that they find relief, in their misery, but don't condemn those that are working so hard to help them! I applaud President Bush, Mayor Nagin of New Orleans, Governor Blanco, for doing the best that they can! I hear the comparisons to "911", but we are dealing with mother-nature in New Orleans, and not a bunch of "camel-jockeys"! New Orleans is in the state I live, and it will recover, and I hope that the Federal Government will realize that the coast of Louisiana needs to be fixed, and it needs to be started now! Hang in there, if you are from the New Orleans area, you'll recover! Be sure to donate to the American Red Cross!


Anonymous said...

Ok...I've been on my soap box for several days now since this horrible diaster in New Orleans and other Gulf areas. I DO put some blame on the Governer, b/c she doesn't know what the hell she is doing. Now, NO we can't put the blame on anyone for the storm of course but she could have/should have stepped up to the plate sooner. Not a day late and a dollar short shit. By the way, I am also a long lived native of Louisiana and have visited New Orleans myself. Love it down there. I am so sadden by the horrible things that have gone on besides the floods and deaths caused by the floods. This whole country is affected and will be forever. I understand that 100%!!! But what about helping those that are already in need that live here? I know personally someone who is in dire need of assistance for food and "oh well, you are not a diaster evacuee, so you are put at the bottom of the list." SORRY, this system is not right. Isn't there money, or a "plan" for things like this so that our people in need are not turned away b/c we have 1000's of other non-resident people here who are in need too? I'm so angry about this state and how it is run. I've learned a lot about Louisiana since this storm. These things are not taught in school and this is the most backward run state and there is NO reason that we should have so much poverty and welfare here. People in Louisiana need to stop and take a look at the government here and ask some questions. This tragedy should open the eyes to everyone around this country about Louisiana. I could go on and on and on but I'm outta here!!!! This is affecting more people emotionally than some may realize.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not blaming President Bush!! It seems like the rest of the world will blame for anything and everything. President Bush DID NOT cause the hurricane!!

Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

About Me

Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.