Friday, April 06, 2007


I have said it before, and I'll say it again, and I'll probably say it some more, "Pelosi is a disgrace", and she'll keep doing what she is doing, and she'll be re-elected time after time. Think about it, how do people like Pelosi get elected? My thought is that she is from California, and she is only electable there, because I don't think anywhere else in the country would a bunch of folks that had someone like her representing them, would vote for her. She is not electable in the south, and that is a fact, not fiction. California should re-think Pelosi, and maybe send someone else to D.C.

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Just my thoughts on "stuff"! "Stuff" is what makes the world go round, with women being the main "stuff"?

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Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.