It's pretty sad that we have to rely on the media for information. This thing with Don Imus is an over-blown event that does not deserve this kind of coverage. Sharpton, a man, that is not trust-worthy tries his best to get Imus to resign, and Imus stands up to him, and Sharpton gets mad! Sharpton to me is the bad-guy here, and I think he should resign, and go out and get a real job. I, mean, having a big mouth and spewing at the mouth, does not make you a hero. Sharpton is not a spokesman for every black in America, and to be quite honest, how many blacks even know who Sharpton is, and for that matter Imus. America, is changing, not necessarly for the best, but it is changing, and one day, we as, Americans will figure it out. I watch Wolf Blitzer, and others news hounds keep talking about Imus, that tells me that it's a slow news week, or the hounds are just bored? Today, I was watching a member of the Rutgers basketball team say that she was permantly scared by the remarks of Imus! Tell me how is she permantely scared? This is out of hand now, and blame the media, for this, and no one else.