My grandson was put up for adoption about a year ago,and this year will make four years since my daughter passed away! The man she was married to is Stephen Roberts and he is currently in the Air Force at Beale Air Force base, and is once again re-married! It is hard to believe that this man would put his own son up for adoption, his reason, was that he couldn't stand to look at him! One of my questions is how in the hell did this guy have the sense to even be walking amongst men, because he's certainly not a man! Here is a picture of my ex-son-in-law,instead of letting my grandson be with his family in Louisiana, adopts him out to his ex-sister-law. Visit this link, and see what this man looks like, http://myspace.com/chickhawk1970. I cannot believe that the Air Force has this guy in the service! Pray for this guy, he needs plenty of prayers!