Wednesday, December 13, 2006
KTAl-TV just sucks!
Local televison stations in Shreveport Louisiana are so bad, and they are breaking the law under FCC rules and regulations! Here we are, living in Shreveport Louisiana,being forced to watch KTAL-TV which is licensed to Texarkana Texas,and just barley covers the Shreveport-Bossier market, and we have to put up with it! I, say boycott KTAL-TV, they are the worst! They just suck!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Glover and Jones
Here in Shreveport, over the weekend we had a Mayor's race, and the two to make the run-off are "city-attorney" Jerry Jones, and former "state-representative" Cedric Glover. Both men seem to be full of zeal and zest as they talk about their integrity, the City Of Shreveport, and other things, so let round-two of the voting begin! We know you both have "integrity, you keep telling us how much you have. I see it like this, Cedric has really never had a real job, but does seem to fair, but Jerry Jones on the other hand is a very-disciplined attorney, that did have to attend law school, and seems to be successful, and organized, and you can see the way Mr. Jones handled himself in putting together one heck of a campaign. If you would like to find out more on these candidates, visit their websites,, and
New Orleans is doomed with Nagin, Jefferson!
Regardless if Jefferson stood by Nagin or not, wrong is wrong, and by Nagin standing by Jefferson just shows you what his mind-set is, and the people of New Orleans re-elected Nagin, and how stupid was that? How can New Orleans possibly change, and how do you expect the rest of America to help rebuild New Orleans when you have the kind of politicians we have? Nagin should not be the Mayor of New Orleans, but the people spoke, whether they were legal votes or not! After Hurricane Katrina, when America saw thousands of poor black folks screaming from rooftops needing help to get out, and because of an incompetent Governor, and an incompetent mayor, many lives were lost. The Democrats have had a "strangle-hold" on New Orleans for decades, and that doesn’t seem to be working, so maybe they need to try something else? Jefferson is a "crook", and if Nagin aligns himself with Jefferson, then he shall be called a “crook”. What kind of legacy will Nagin will leave behind for the great city of New Orleans!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Just don't take your pet to Dr.Mirts!

This guy that is suppose to be a Vet had no clue as to what he was doing to treat my dog for diabetes! Why in the hell did I take my dog BARNEY to a Vet that should have just told me that he wasn't that familiar with diabetic dogs. In essence, by him not knowing what the hell he was doing, my dog is dead, robbed of maybe another three years of life? So, what ever you do,just don't take your dog or cat to Dr.Mirts!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Barney, my best friend died yesterday.

I had this wonderful friend for the past fourteen years living with me. He has been with me through "thick and thin"! Yesterday, he died of complications with diabetes. I sure did love him an awfully lot. I'm crying a lot, still in disbelief that he is no longer living with me. He was a beautiful red-haired Daschund, and I'll miss him dearly. I only wish that he could have lived longer.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Easter Week-Passover
This is "Easter Week", and "Passover", and we give a lot of credit to rabbits! I'll never figure that out! To me, Easter is a wonderful time of the year. I lost my daughter two years ago, and "Easter Week" does make me feel better about some things.
Kelly Ripa
Remember the Seinfeld episode about "Festivus", where Jerry's girlfriend looked different under different lighting? Well, that is kind of the same way Kelly Ripa is! Some days, she looks hot! Some days she looks scary! But, she has a nice bottom!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
America is changing! Thank you President Bush!
The American Revolution
From 1775- Until 1782 the Americans faced off against the largest empire in the world. Led by General Washington they won. Now, we have "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
The War of 1812
Some call it the Second War of Independence, for when it ended and the US had fought Great Britain to a stalemate, Americas independence was assured. Now, we have a new war, "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
Mexican-American War
Texas joined the Union, which resulted in US conquest of California and the balance of the Southwest! Now, we have "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
The Civil War
It was Americas bloodiest war as brother fought brother.
The Spanish-American War
America became a world power with its victory over the Spanish in this war.
And now the "Border-War"!
Yea, it's going to happen, the Mexicans are going to get out of hand! Stop the leak! Put the finger in the dike! Call in the Dutch!
From 1775- Until 1782 the Americans faced off against the largest empire in the world. Led by General Washington they won. Now, we have "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
The War of 1812
Some call it the Second War of Independence, for when it ended and the US had fought Great Britain to a stalemate, Americas independence was assured. Now, we have a new war, "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
Mexican-American War
Texas joined the Union, which resulted in US conquest of California and the balance of the Southwest! Now, we have "The Border-War"! Stop the leak!
The Civil War
It was Americas bloodiest war as brother fought brother.
The Spanish-American War
America became a world power with its victory over the Spanish in this war.
And now the "Border-War"!
Yea, it's going to happen, the Mexicans are going to get out of hand! Stop the leak! Put the finger in the dike! Call in the Dutch!
Our politicians are letting us down!
There is no way in hell I would ever vote for McCain! He, along with other politicians have let us down on the "Immigration-issue"! If these Mexicans can protest, then they don't need to work! I fired my Mexican worker! I won't hire another one, I won't do business with any company that offers a "Spanish-speaking-prompt"! The hell with illegal immigrants! Our politicians are being intimidated by these illegals! Remember the Alamo!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Alex Jones-Charlie Sheen
Alex Jones is a "hack"! I get so-tired of his "conspiracy theories" concerning "9-11"! Charlie Sheen is being lead by the nose on this one, believing that our government had something to do with "9-11" is just plain stupid!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Mexicans-Politicians-Employers are wacky!
I blame politicians for most the shape we are in with our neighbors in Mexico. Our very own President keeps giving mixed signals, and that has cost this country of ours, major problems. I keep thinking of the brave men and women that fought so hard for this country of ours! I guess the Alamo was fought for naught? You know, the way you stop all of this illegal activity is not to hire illegal aliens, period! Those who own a business, and hire illegals should be either arrested and fined for breaking the law! The number of Chicanos that took to the streets in protest in California was simply "mind-boggling",and our politicians want to make sure that they have that voting-block, come election day!
As you can tell by sir name
As you can tell by sir name, I am of an Italian heritage, and my family on my father's side came to America from Salaparuta Sicily. America is a country of immigrants, and most Americans know that. The problem is with aliens coming to America illegally, and that is wrong! I say this, "if you really want to prosper in America, do the right thing before you leave Mexico, apply for citizenship if you want to live,work, and prosper in America.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Update on my grandson
Well, all of those that have read my blog know that my daughter died a couple of years ago, and she had a son. Well, the drama continues. My ex-son-in-law has decided to give his own son up for adpotion to a couple that is no way related to my grandson, instead of doing the right thing and letting me have my grandson. The lawyer that is handling the adoption proceedings for the couple, that is trying to adopt my grandson is a LIAR! I had to file a complaint with the California Bar to have him investigated. The bottom line is that it takes money, close to Five Grand to hire a lawyer in California. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Normally, I could raise that type of money, but I have been real ill of late, and have not been able to work. So, there is the latest update on my grandson, being held hostage in California.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
This is not Mexico!
I am so tired of everytime, I call my bank, Mortgage Company, or any other service company, that I'm given the option for Spanish! I live in America, my family came here form Italy, and they made sure that when they were out in public, they only spoke English. This is ridiculous, that we as Americans that respect this country have to go through this. I think our forefathers are turning over in their graves, at the way things are now in America! I will not do business with any company that gives me an option in Spanish! The hell with them, and our politicians for screwing everything up!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Pat Robertson is "wacky-on the junk"!
Pat Robertson should read his bible more! Jesus Christ said, "judge not, least you be judged", and he opens his BIG-MOUTH! Man, is Pat Robertson going to hell?
Pat Robertson: “I Am Crying For Help”
Written by misha marinsky
Latter Day Elmer Gantry
VIRGINIA BEACH – On his 700 Club television show, Pat Robertson told his audience that Israeli Prime Minister’s recent massive stroke was divine retribution, stating “I would say woe unto any Prime Minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations, or the United States of America.” Mr. Robertson, looking kindly at the camera, then gave an explanation of his recent actions.
“My friends, a short time ago, I called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Shortly after that broadcast I met with my staff, and we finally decided to hold a contest here at the Christian Broadcasting Network headquarters. The staff has decided to call this contest ‘Can You Top This?’ The staff began placing bets a few weeks ago, and I started thinking of more ways to insult and to offend people who are in the limelight.”
“I thought long and hard about it. I spent many a sleepless night agonizing over what I could do to win that contest. I wasn’t in it just for the prize, which by the way is dinner at Denny’s. No, I wanted to win that contest as a matter of personal pride. I wanted to win that contest because of the prestige it would bring me. And I’m not through yet. The staff is holding a second round, and I intend to win that contest too. I have learned that the prize for the second contest is breakfast at Denny’s, and I am already drooling.”
“Let’s look at the facts. God has enmity against those who “divide my land.” God says “this land belongs to me. You’d better leave it alone.” I should know because I speak with God several times a day. I have a specialized telephone in my office, and it rings more often that you may believe. Trust me on this one. I got a special deal on T Mobile from a Jewish salesman, who still is unsaved. T Mobile is also one of our blessed sponsors.”
Mr. Robertson then closed his show by placing his hand on a New Testament, and looking sadly at the camera said “Please help me, for God’s sake.”
Pat Robertson: “I Am Crying For Help”
Written by misha marinsky
Latter Day Elmer Gantry
VIRGINIA BEACH – On his 700 Club television show, Pat Robertson told his audience that Israeli Prime Minister’s recent massive stroke was divine retribution, stating “I would say woe unto any Prime Minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations, or the United States of America.” Mr. Robertson, looking kindly at the camera, then gave an explanation of his recent actions.
“My friends, a short time ago, I called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Shortly after that broadcast I met with my staff, and we finally decided to hold a contest here at the Christian Broadcasting Network headquarters. The staff has decided to call this contest ‘Can You Top This?’ The staff began placing bets a few weeks ago, and I started thinking of more ways to insult and to offend people who are in the limelight.”
“I thought long and hard about it. I spent many a sleepless night agonizing over what I could do to win that contest. I wasn’t in it just for the prize, which by the way is dinner at Denny’s. No, I wanted to win that contest as a matter of personal pride. I wanted to win that contest because of the prestige it would bring me. And I’m not through yet. The staff is holding a second round, and I intend to win that contest too. I have learned that the prize for the second contest is breakfast at Denny’s, and I am already drooling.”
“Let’s look at the facts. God has enmity against those who “divide my land.” God says “this land belongs to me. You’d better leave it alone.” I should know because I speak with God several times a day. I have a specialized telephone in my office, and it rings more often that you may believe. Trust me on this one. I got a special deal on T Mobile from a Jewish salesman, who still is unsaved. T Mobile is also one of our blessed sponsors.”
Mr. Robertson then closed his show by placing his hand on a New Testament, and looking sadly at the camera said “Please help me, for God’s sake.”
Let's pray for the death of Iran's president!
The President of Iran is a "whack-job"! Read the story below!
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's president said Thursday he hoped for the death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latest anti-Israeli comment by a leader who has already provoked international criticism for suggesting that Israel be "wiped off the map."
"Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency.
Ahmadinejad was referring to Sharon, who as defense minister in 1982 directed Israel's ill-fated invasion of Lebanon. An Israeli commission found him indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps by Christian Phalangist soldiers.
Iran's official media, including state-run radio and television, did not report Ahmadinejad's remarks about Sharon.
"Hopefully, others (criminals like him) will join him too," ISNA quoted Ahmadinejad as telling a group of clerics in Qom, a holy city 80 miles south of the capital, Tehran. He spoke a day after the 77-year-old Sharon suffered a massive stroke and underwent surgery.
In the last two months, Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a "myth" and said if Europeans insist it did occur, then they should give some of their own land for a Jewish state, rather than the one in the Middle East. He also called for Israel to be "wiped off the map."
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's president said Thursday he hoped for the death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latest anti-Israeli comment by a leader who has already provoked international criticism for suggesting that Israel be "wiped off the map."
"Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency.
Ahmadinejad was referring to Sharon, who as defense minister in 1982 directed Israel's ill-fated invasion of Lebanon. An Israeli commission found him indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps by Christian Phalangist soldiers.
Iran's official media, including state-run radio and television, did not report Ahmadinejad's remarks about Sharon.
"Hopefully, others (criminals like him) will join him too," ISNA quoted Ahmadinejad as telling a group of clerics in Qom, a holy city 80 miles south of the capital, Tehran. He spoke a day after the 77-year-old Sharon suffered a massive stroke and underwent surgery.
In the last two months, Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a "myth" and said if Europeans insist it did occur, then they should give some of their own land for a Jewish state, rather than the one in the Middle East. He also called for Israel to be "wiped off the map."
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Just think!
Just think! Right now, on the very street that you live, people are having sex! That's right, sex with one another on your street!
Benson could be called a Saint?

If in fact, Tom Benson is sincere about bringing the Saints back to New Orleans, not just for the 2006 season, only, but beyond, he will go down as a true Saint, someone that is sincere about helping his community. Mr. Benson, I have faith in you, and will purchase season tickets now that you seem to be doing the right thing!
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- markcpizzolato
- Just an American lost in Shreveport Louisiana.