Tom Benson will go down in the history of the National Football league as one of the worst owners in the history of the league, or better yet, he'll most probably go down as the worst owner in league history! Benson is a bad owner, and bad for the league, and he doesn't even realize it! The state of Louisiana were awarded a Saints franchise in 1966, and now it looks like Tom Benson, is wanting to take them to San Antonio. Well, Tom give us our money back, and at least have some kind of dignity and leave the Saints name with the great state of Louisiana. Benson is getting up in age, and he doesn't realize that he can't take the team with him! Benson is greedy, and needs to do the right thing, and sell the team, and leave them in Louisiana. I only hope that our politicians have enough savvy to sue Benson to at least get some of our money back! Benson, don't let the screen door hit you, when your ass is leaving Louisiana!